■ 문화 예술/영화 이야기(85)
Underrated Movies Starring A Flash-In-The-Pan Movie Star
Underrated Movies Starring A Flash-In-The-Pan Movie Star (msn.com) Underrated Movies Starring A Flash-In-The-Pan Movie Star The order of this list was determined by 3,526 votes on Ranker.com. The term "flash-in-the-pan" has a negative connotation, but it also accurately describes an occasional Hollywood phenomenon. Every so often, an actor becomes a big deal for a moment, only www.msn.com Underr..
2022.08.01 -
22 Most Underrated '90s Movies
22 Most Underrated '90s Movies (msn.com) 22 Most Underrated '90s Movies When the 90s rolled around, it was a time when movie fans could enjoy Tarantino-approved indie films, and Disney Animation went into overdrive with its ... www.msn.com 22 Most Underrated '90s Movies Casandra Karpiak 11 hrs ago Sing Tao, Canada's largest Chinese-language newspaper, to end print… Saudi women DJs go from hobbyi..
2022.07.31 -
Everything Coming to Netflix in August 2022
Everything Coming to Netflix in August 2022 (msn.com) Everything Coming to Netflix in August 2022 This month, Netflix’s “The Sandman” is coming for your dreams. The new series, an adaptation of the renowned Neil Gaiman comics, stars Tom Sturridge in the role of the Sandman (who more commonly goes by Dream). In this fantastical adventure, Dream ha www.msn.com Variety FollowView Profile Everything..
2022.07.30 -
30년간 집 밖으로 나가지 않은 괴짜 화가
[환경-자연 영화] 30년간 집 밖으로 나가지 않은 괴짜 화가 (daum.net) [환경-자연 영화] 30년간 집 밖으로 나가지 않은 괴짜 화가 코로나 팬데믹이라는 전대미문의 사태를 겪으며 사람들은 집에 대해 다시 생각하게 됐다. 코로나 이전에 집은 실질적으로 잠만 자는 곳이었다. 비몽사몽 간에 침대에서 벗어나 아침을 먹는 둥 movie.v.daum.net [환경-자연 영화] 30년간 집 밖으로 나가지 않은 괴짜 화가 신용관 조선뉴스프레스 기획취재위원 입력 2022. 07. 29. 09:59 코로나 팬데믹이라는 전대미문의 사태를 겪으며 사람들은 집에 대해 다시 생각하게 됐다. 코로나 이전에 집은 실질적으로 잠만 자는 곳이었다. 비몽사몽 간에 침대에서 벗어나 아침을 먹는 둥 마는 둥 황급히 때우고, 비슷한..
2022.07.30 -
‘Star Trek: Picard’ Crew Tease Season 3 With ‘Next Generation’ Cast Featured In First Look
‘Star Trek: Picard’ Crew Tease Season 3 With ‘Next Generation’ Cast Featured In First Look (msn.com) ET Canada FollowView Profile ‘Star Trek: Picard’ Crew Tease Season 3 With ‘Next Generation’ Cast Featured In First Look Melissa Romualdi - Saturday During Comic-Con, the "Star Trek" family engaged in a nostalgic panel that also provided exciting details for the future of "Star Trek: Picard". © Ph..
2022.07.25 -
The Trailers of San Diego Comic-Con 2022, All Together Now
Vulture.com FollowView Profile The Trailers of San Diego Comic-Con 2022, All Together Now Jason P. Frank - Yesterday 4:00 p.m. © Paramount Pictures/YouTubeChris Pine. Paramount Pictures/YouTube San Diego Comic-Con is upon us, which, for those of us who cannot attend, means one thing: an onslaught of trailers for upcoming stuff. This year’s convention has extended-universe shows like Tales of the..