■ 국제/지구촌 오늘(41)
25 surprising geological phenomena
25 surprising geological phenomena (msn.com) 25 surprising geological phenomena While amazing geological phenomena can be found across the globe, some are especially unexpected. Some have been around for millions of years, while others are more recent. www.msn.com Espresso FollowView Profile 25 surprising geological phenomena Story by Philippe Michaud • Yesterday 11:00 a.m. 2 of 26 Photos in Gal..
2022.12.26 -
More than 50 million people live as slaves through forced labor or marriage
More than 50 million people live as slaves through forced labor or marriage (msn.com) More than 50 million people live as slaves through forced labor or marriage More than 50 million people are victims of what the UN considers ‘modern slavery’, i.e. invisible chains associated with forced labor or unwanted marriages that are widespread not only in www.msn.com News 360 FollowView Profile More tha..
2022.09.13 -
Woke haters unleash bitter brew of bile on Queen Elizabeth
Woke haters unleash bitter brew of bile on Queen Elizabeth (msn.com) Woke haters unleash bitter brew of bile on Queen Elizabeth A coterie of wokesters bursting with bile, bitterness, jargon and BAs unleashed a torrent of hatred towards Queen Elizabeth in the hours after her death Thursday. Using a bonanza of social justice buzzwords, Her Majesty’s critics from academia and their www.msn.com Toro..
2022.09.10 -
靑 개방·도어스테핑엔 없는 '진짜 소통'이 베를린엔 있었다
[르포] 靑 개방·도어스테핑엔 없는 '진짜 소통'이 베를린엔 있었다 (daum.net) [르포] 靑 개방·도어스테핑엔 없는 '진짜 소통'이 베를린엔 있었다 "청년들은 노인들보다 연금을 적게 받게 될 텐데, 정부가 연기금 주식 투자 등 보완책을 더 적극적으로 마련해야 하는 것 아닌가요?" "'9유로 티켓' 이후엔 무슨 조치가 나오는 거죠?"(9유로 티켓: news.v.daum.net [르포] 靑 개방·도어스테핑엔 없는 '진짜 소통'이 베를린엔 있었다 신은별 입력 2022. 08. 22. 04:30 수정 2022. 08. 22. 07:14 20∙21일 정부 오픈하우스.. 총리도 참석 장관과 'No 격식∙주제' 대화하고 정책 설명 노동장관 "국민과 의견 교환할 최고의 기회" 크리스티안 린트너 독일 연방 재무장..
2022.08.22 -
These Pics Shed Light On Some Rare Things
These Pics Shed Light On Some Rare Things - BleacherBreaker These Pics Shed Light On Some Rare Things Life can throw curveballs at us and show us things we’ve never seen. Read on for some strange, unusual, and unlikely occurrences captured on camera. www.bleacherbreaker.com These Pics Shed Light On Some Rare Things TRENDING | 8/3/22 How often do you come across something that is truly rare? It f..
2022.08.17 -
Mammoth bones and 'ghost' footprints add to heated debate about first humans in North America
Mammoth bones and 'ghost' footprints add to heated debate about first humans in North America (msn.com) Mammoth bones and 'ghost' footprints add to heated debate about first humans in North America Mammoth bones and “ghost” footprints of ancient people are the latest evidence in a scientific debate about when the first humans reached the Americas. www.msn.com NBC News FollowView Profile Mammoth ..