■ 국제/世界 文化 遺産(69)
Thousands of animal mummies discovered at ancient Egyptian site
Thousands of animal mummies discovered at ancient Egyptian site (msn.com) CNN FollowView Profile Thousands of animal mummies discovered at ancient Egyptian site Story by Reuters • Yesterday 6:25 p.m. At least 2,000 mummified ram heads dating from the Ptolemaic period and a palatial Old Kingdom structure have been uncovered at the temple of Ramses II in the ancient city of Abydos in southern Egyp..
2023.03.28 -
Here's What The Seven Wonders Of The World Would Look Like Now
Here's What The Seven Wonders Of The World Would Look Like Now (msn.com) Here's What The Seven Wonders Of The World Would Look Like Now It’s a marvel how the ancient Greeks and Romans managed to build so many magnificent and imposing buildings and monuments – from the lighthouse at Alexandria to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. www.msn.com
2023.03.10 -
보조개에 웃는 얼굴…이집트 사원서 ‘미니 스핑크스’ 발견
보조개에 웃는 얼굴…이집트 사원서 ‘미니 스핑크스’ 발견 (daum.net) 보조개에 웃는 얼굴…이집트 사원서 ‘미니 스핑크스’ 발견 [서울신문 나우뉴스]이집트 남부의 고대 사원에서 스핑크스 모양의 조각상과 신전 유적이 발굴됐다. 지난 6일(현지시간) 이집트 고대 유물부는 수도 카이로에서 남쪽으로 약 450㎞ 떨어진 덴데라 v.daum.net 보조개에 웃는 얼굴…이집트 사원서 ‘미니 스핑크스’ 발견 박종익입력 2023. 3. 7. 10:27 [서울신문 나우뉴스] 이집트 하토르 신전에서 미니 스핑크스가 발굴됐다. 로이터 연합뉴스 이집트 남부의 고대 사원에서 스핑크스 모양의 조각상과 신전 유적이 발굴됐다. 지난 6일(현지시간) 이집트 고대 유물부는 수도 카이로에서 남쪽으로 약 450㎞ 떨어진 덴데라의 하토르..
2023.03.07 -
Archaeologists excavate ancient Mesopotamian palace, temple
Archaeologists excavate ancient Mesopotamian palace, temple (msn.com) The Jerusalem Post FollowView Profile Archaeologists excavate ancient Mesopotamian palace, temple Story by By Sam Halpern • Yesterday 9:26 p.m. An archeological site at Girsu, in modern-day south-central Iraq, a major city in the ancient Mesopotamian civilization of Sumer, has been unearthed revealing a palace and a temple tha..
2023.02.22 -
Archaeologists in Denmark uncover hall that may have belonged to Viking noble
Archaeologists in Denmark uncover hall that may have belonged to Viking noble (msn.com) Archaeologists in Denmark uncover hall that may have belonged to Viking noble The hall likely dates to the last half of the ninth century or the beginning of the 11th century www.msn.com Archaeologists in Denmark uncover hall that may have belonged to Viking noble Story by By JERUSALEM POST STAFF • 8h ago Ate..
2023.01.08 -
Diving Into A Flooded Tomb Leaves Two Archaeologists Astonished At The Discovery
Diving Into A Flooded Tomb Leaves Two Archaeologists Astonished At The Discovery (msn.com) Taco Relish FollowView Profile Diving Into A Flooded Tomb Leaves Two Archaeologists Astonished At The Discovery Story by Kelsey Berish • 9h ago Auto Rotation On Full screen 1 of 17 Photos in Gallery©Photo by: Antonelli Maria Laura/AGF/Universal Images Group via Getty Images Diving Into A Flooded Tomb Leave..