2022. 8. 10. 05:26ㆍ■ 인생/세상 살이
'Devoted' mother dies in her sleep beside her children on flight from Hong Kong to U.K. (msn.com)
'Devoted' mother dies in her sleep beside her children on flight from Hong Kong to U.K.

A “devoted” mother of two has died in her sleep on a flight from Hong Kong to the U.K. before her children and husband.

A few hours into the Aug. 5 flight, Helen Rhodes, 46, was “found unresponsive” and could not be resuscitated, her friend Jayne Jeje said on a GoFundMe page.
Rhodes and her family had lived in Hong Kong for 15 years and were moving back to the U.K. to start “a new chapter,”Jeje wrote, noting Rhodes hadn’t seen her aging parents since the start of the pandemic.
“For the remaining 8 hours of the flight, Helen lay in a breathless sleep in her seat. Although this was extremely traumatising to the family, they all had time to say what they needed to say to her,” she wrote.
A friend of the family has since told Mail Online that Rhodes may have died from a sudden heart attack:
“It’s a terrible tragedy. She died on the plane coming over. She sort of collapsed. They think she suffered a heart attack. Her mother came round this morning and told me about it. She was in tears and my wife was in tears.
“I just can’t understand it. She was so fit and healthy and she worked in the medical profession,” said John Moore, a longtime neighbour.
Another neighbor described Rhodes as a “lovely person” who had a “wonderful life” and would “talk so positively about her profession.”
“Her children really enjoyed it over there. They were fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin. They were a really happy couple, always so positive. It is a great shame they have to go through this now,” he said.
When the plane landed in Frankfurt, Germany, Helen’s body remained, while her husband, Simon, and their two young children, Nathan and Emma, made their way to the U.K.
Jeje said the fundraiser would help pay for the funeral expenses and help support the family as they grapple with the loss of a devoted mother and wife.
“This loss is unimaginable. Helen was a devoted wife and mother. She was the glue that held her family together,” she wrote.
Rhodes “was the pulse of her community in Tung Chung,” in Hong Kong, she added.
“She couldn’t walk a few feet and not run into someone she knew by name. She was an early member of a tight knit diverse group, called Tung Chung Mums. Over 200 women who first looked to her if they had a question concerning anything medical related.
“Helen always made herself available to help others. She was clever, witty and generous with her time.”
Helen worked as a midwife and ran a business selling bespoke jewelry and bows, Jeje also noted.
“I worked with Helen for a couple of years and she was a great midwife, very knowledgeable and well-liked by the patients,” one person wrote on her fundraiser.
Andrew Spires, a resident of Tung Chung, praised Rhodes on Facebook, writing that she was “the most caring, generous and thoughtful person”, despite meeting her only at the “school gates”.
“Tung Chung and school pick-up won’t be the same without you. Wishing all the best to her family going forward — I hope they eventually find some peace,” he wrote.
“Live life to the fullest folks, and hugs the ones you love.”
One user commented: “Heartbreaking. If anyone needed a helping hand Helen was always at the front of the queue.”
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