■ Lillooet Rive(Bridge) & Mount Currie

2022. 6. 4. 12:33■ 菩提樹/菩提樹

Lillooet Rive(Bridge) & Mount Currie


밴조선 커뮤니티 :: 밴조선 카페 > 포토사랑 > ■ Lillooet Rive(Bridge) & Mount Currie (vanchosun.com)


 Lillooet Rive(Bridge)

The Lillooet River is a major river of the southern Coast Mountains of British Columbia. It begins at Silt Lake, on the southern edge of the Lillooet Crown Icecap about 80 kilometres northwest of Pemberton and about 85 kilometres northwest of Whistler. Its upper valley is about 95 kilometres in length, entering Lillooet Lake about 15 km downstream from Pemberton on the eastern outskirts of the Mount Currie reserve of the Lil'wat branch of the St'at'imc people. From Pemberton Meadows, about 40 km upstream from Pemberton, to Lillooet Lake, the flat bottomlands of the river form the Pemberton Valley farming region.

Below the 30 km (18.6 mi) length of Lillooet Lake, it resumes again just north of the native community and ghost town of Skookumchuck Hot Springs, which is known in the St'at'imcets language as Skatin. The lower stretch of the Lillooet River, from Lillooet Lake to Harrison Lake, is approximately 55 km (c. 34 mi) in length. Its main tributaries are Meager Creek, the Ryan River, the Green River, and the Birkenhead River. Below Harrison Lake, the stream is renamed as the Harrison River, which enters the Fraser near the First Nations community of Chehalis.

The lower Lillooet River and Lillooet Lake were part of a short-lived main route between the Coast and the Interior in the days of the Fraser Canyon Gold Rush. See the Douglas Road.


 Mount Currie, British Columbia.

Mount Currie is a small, mostly First Nations, community in British Columbia, 164 kilometres north of Vancouver and 40 kilometres north-east of Whistler along Highway 99. "The Mount Currie settlement and mountain were named after Scottish settler John Currie, who located to Quebec in 1851. After failure as a gold seeker in California and the Cariboo, Currie turned to ranching and finally settled near Pemberton with his Lillooet Indian wife in 1885." The area is traditional territory of the Lil'wat, a subgroup of the St'at'imc people who with the communities of Skatin, Samahquam and Xa'xtsa (Port Douglas) to the south comprise the Lower St'at'imc or Lower Lillooet. The Mount Currie Indian Reserve hosts most of the population of Mount Currie, who are known as the Lil'wat, their name for the spot, but west of the reserve there are non-native farms, industrial sites and tourist resorts, and on the mountain shoulder immediately north of the reserve is Owl Creek, the site of the original Catholic mission school which drew the Lil'wat from their former homebase at Pemberton Meadows so as to be close to their children. Owl Creek today is the name of a modern subdivision of mostly non-natives, though Owl Creek remains on the rail crossing on the CNR just outside the reserve.



人生事(인생사) 先後(선후) 緩急(완급) 輕重(경중)이 있습니다.

우리네 人生(인생) 아무도 대신 살아 주거나 누구도 대신 아파 주거나 죽어 줄 수가 없는 것입니다.

어디든지 갈 수 있을 때 가지 않으면 가고 싶을 때 갈 수가 없고 무엇이든지 할 수 있을 때 하지 않으면 하고 싶을 때 할 수가 없는 것입니다.

奇跡(기적)은 아무에게나 어디서나 함부로 일어나지 않습니다.


우리가 어릴 때는 꿈과 희망 먹고 자랐지만 성인이 되면 計劃(계획) 實踐(실천) 만이 존재할 뿐입니다.

마음 가는 대로 잘 생각하고 判斷(판단)해서 몸 가는 대로 行動(행동) 하고 實踐(실천)하며 하고 싶은 대로 하고 살면 될 것입니다.

다만, 嚴重(엄중) 現實(현실)앞에 우선순위를 어디에 어떻게 둘 것인가에 愼重(신중) 기해서 責任(책임) 義務(의무)를 다해야 할 것입니다.

人生事(인생사) 刹那(찰나) 彈指(탄지) 지나지 않습니다.

지금 이 순간, 最善(최선)입니까?


인생의 眞理(진리) 오직 살아 있어야 되는 것입니다.

그러기 위해서는 오로지 건강하세요.

가족의 健康(건강) 가정의 幸福(행복) 축원합니다.

늘 고맙습니다.


19991212(陰1105) SUN

Mundy Sung



생활寫眞 일상의 사소한 발견입니다.

삼라만상(森羅萬象)은 곧 사진의 훌륭한 소재라고 생각합니다.

늘 가지고 다니는 휴대 전화기나 손 안에 쏙 들어가는 똑따기 사진기만으로도 누구나 크게 공감하고 많이 동감하는 이야기를 만들 수가 있을 것이라 믿습니다.

더 없는 사랑과 꾸밈없는 정성으로 인시공(人時空)을 담아내어 소중 추억으로 오래토록 간직하게 되기를 희망합니다.


사진은 빛의 예술이자 역사의 기록이다

생활寫眞에 대하여 이렇게 거창한 말까지 앞세울 필요는 전혀 없을 것 같습니다.

진실 진심으로 있는 대로 보고 진정 최선을 다하여 보이는 대로 담아내면 그것이 곧 예술이자 역사가 될 것입니다.

보다 많은 사진 인구 저변 확대 기대합니다.


가족의 건강 가정의 행복 祝願(축원)합니다.

오로지 건강하세요.

늘 고맙습니다.


20121212(陰1029) WED

Mundy Sung


 CAMERA : SONY DSC-HX90V(똑따기 사진기)


 Lillooet Rive(Bridge) & Mount Currie