■ VANCOUVER 月出(월출) MOONRISE 20201201(음1017) TUE

2020. 12. 2. 16:10■ 菩提樹/Borisu

VANCOUVER 月出(월출) MOONRISE 20201201(1017) TUE 17:16(51°NE)

VANCOUVER 月出(월출) MOONRISE 20201201(1017) TUE 17:16(51°NE) Blanshard Peak(1,550m)

(KOREA 20201202 WED 10:16)

Blanshard Peak(1,550m) also known as The Blanshard Needle by local climbers is a distinctive rock pinnacle in Golden Ears Provincial Park that is visible from many places in the Lower Mainland. Named for the first governor of the colony of Vancouver Island, the name of the summit and area is the subject of some confusion due to the labeling of the entire Golden Ears Group on the published maps for the area. Mount Blanshard is the proper name of the Golden Ears massif, and later became attached by authors of climbing guides to the summit at the southern end of the group.

CAMERA : SONY DSC-HX90V(똑따기 사진기)

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20121212(1029) WED

Mundy Sung

 VANCOUVER 月出(월출) MOONRISE 20201201(1017) TUE 17:16(51°NE)

'■ 菩提樹 > Borisu' 카테고리의 다른 글

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