24 questions: Can you pass the British citizenship test?

2023. 1. 16. 11:53■ 국제/영국


24 questions: Can you pass the British citizenship test? (msn.com)


24 questions: Can you pass the British citizenship test?

People wanting UK citizenship have to take a multiple-choice test on Britain, its history and way of life. Will you be able to pass?


24 questions: Can you pass the British citizenship test?

Story by By WALLA! TOURISM  Yesterday 11:32 p.m.

Israelis have been trying to get European passports for years, motivated by factors such as possibly moving abroad, free university education, shorter lines at border controls in Europe and because "it's always good to have it."

Passport for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland© (photo credit: PEXELS)

However, the United Kingdom is no longer part of the European Union. If you were thinking of moving to the UK (consisting of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland), you should know that you need to pass a multiple choice UK citizenship test, with questions about the country, its history and the way of life there.

But the test is a subject of considerable controversy in the UK due to its difficulty, with many claiming that even British citizens would fail the test.

In 2022, the House of Lords called for the test to be reviewed, and Simon Murray promised to do so by June.

So if you want to apply for UK citizenship, you'll need to pay £50 and then take the test and get at least 75% correct. 

London, United Kingdom; A London Transport Underground logo is seen at the Westminster Underground Station. (credit: KIRBY LEE-USA TODAY SPORTS)© Provided by The Jerusalem Post
London, United Kingdom; A London Transport Underground logo is seen at the Westminster Underground Station. (credit: KIRBY LEE-USA TODAY SPORTS)

Will you be able to answer them all? Come and try – answers at the end.

1. Which Shakespeare play contains the line "To be or not to be?"

  1. Romeo and Juliet
  2. Henry V
  3. Macbeth
  4. Hamlet

2. What year was the United Kingdom established?

  1. 1677
  2. 1687
  3. 1697
  4. 1707

3. In World War II, the Allies fought the Axis. Which of the following countries was not part of the Axis?

  1. Italy
  2. Hungary
  3. Japan
  4. Germany

4. Many of Charles I's parliamentarians were part of a Christian denomination that advocated for a strict and simple religious doctrine. What were they called?

  1. Presbyterians
  2. Methodists
  3. Baptists
  4. Puritans

5. When did people in Britain first start farming?

  1. Around 7,000 years ago
  2. Around 6,000 years ago
  3. Around 4,000 years ago
  4. Around 5,000 years ago

6. What was the biggest source of employment in Britain before the Industrial Revolution?

  1. Coal mining
  2. Metalworking
  3. Agriculture
  4. Cotton farming

7. What happened after the May 2010 general elections?

  1. The Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats formed a coalition
  2. The Conservative Party and the Labour Party formed a coalition
  3. The Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats formed a coalition
  4. The Conservative Party won a majority

8. What happened in the year 1400?

  1. England lost the Hundred Years' War
  2. The Romans invaded England
  3. English replaced Old French in Parliament and the Royal Courts of England
  4. The Battle of Hastings

Related video: New British passports fees to start next month and EU visas by the end of the year, here’s what you need to know (Dailymotion)


9. In what battle did the Scots defeat the English in 1314?

  1. The Battle of Caernarfon
  2. The Battle of Rhodian
  3. The Battle of Bannockburn
  4. The Battle of Conway

10. What was the name of the first prime minister?

  1. Sir Francis Drake
  2. Robert Walpole
  3. Oliver Cromwell
  4. Charles Edward Stewart

11. What time do the pubs usually open from Monday to Saturday?

  1. 10 a.m.
  2. 11 a.m.
  3. 12 p.m.
  4. 1 p.m.

12. Which of these expressions does not come from cricket?

  1. To hit a sticky wicket
  2. Match abandoned due to rain
  3. Hole in one
  4. Playing straight bat

13. In which two months can the Hindu holiday of Diwali take place?

  1. April or May
  2. September or October
  3. May or June
  4. October or November

14. Which of these statements about the European Union is false?

  1. It was founded by six Western European countries
  2. It was founded by the countries that signed the Treaty of Rome in 1957
  3. It has 18 member states
  4. EU Law is legally binding in the UK

15. What is the capital city of Scotland?

  1. London
  2. Edinburgh
  3. Cardiff
  4. Belfast

16. Which of these relates to criminal law and not civil law?

  1. Labor law
  2. Drinking in an alcohol-free zone
  3. Debt
  4. Housing law

17. Civil servants must belong to a political party

  • True
  • False

18. When do young people get their National Insurance number?

  1. Before their 15th birthday
  2. Before their 17th birthday
  3. Before their 18th birthday
  4. Before their 16th birthday

19. A free press means that what is written in the newspaper isn't controlled by the government 

  • True
  • False

20. MPs from the second-largest party form their own cabinet. What is it called?

  1. The opposition cabinet
  2. The shadow cabinet
  3. The secondary cabinet
  4. The deputy cabinet

21. What do young children think Father Christmas (British Santa) brings them on Christmas Eve?

  1. Presents
  2. Christmas tree
  3. Sweets
  4. Pies

22. In which country within the United Kingdom is the village of John o'Groats?

  1. Northern Ireland
  2. Wales
  3. England
  4. Scotland

23. What is the name of the Paralympic sprinter who won the London Marathon six times and holds 16 Paralympic medals?

  1. David Weir
  2. Sir Chris Hoy
  3. Kelly Holmes
  4. Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson

24. What was the name of the 1833 law that abolished slavery throughout the British Empire?

  1. Abolition Act
  2. Act of Freedom
  3. Bill of Rights
  4. Act of Cancellation


  1. D: Hamlet
  2. D: 1707
  3. B: Hungary
  4. D: Puritans
  5. B: Around 6,000 years ago
  6. C: Agriculture
  7. C: The Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats formed a coalition
  8. C: English replaced Old French in Parliament and the Royal Courts of England
  9. C: The Battle of Bannockburn
  10. B: Robert Walpole
  11. B: At 11 a.m.
  12. C: Hole in one
  13. D: October or November
  14. C: There are 18 member states
  15. B: Edinburgh
  16. B: Drinking in an alcohol-free zone
  17. False
  18. D: Before their 16th birthday
  19. True
  20. B: Shadow cabinet
  21. A: A gift
  22. D: Scotland
  23. D: Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson
  24. A: Abolition Act