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뉴스 정확도순 최신순 “좋은 기운 받으러 달려와”…함평 나비축제와 함께 등장한 140억 황금박쥐상 “황금박쥐 상을 보러 서울서 달려왔습니다. 100억원이 넘는다는 얘길 들어서인지 신비로운 느낌마저 드네요.” 전남 함평군 황금박쥐 생태전시관에 ‘황금박쥐상’이 전시돼 일반에 공개하고 있다. 함평나비대축제 개막과 함께 선보인 황금박쥐상은 오는 5월 7일... 중앙일보2023.04.29다음뉴스 동영상 137억 원짜리 ‘황금박쥐상’ 실제로 보니… 진짜 금이라서 요즘 가격도 많이 오르고, 대단하다고 느꼈습니다."] 함평나비축제를 맞아 전시관을 한시적으로 개방하자, 지금까지 만 명 넘게 다녀갔습니다. 이 황금박쥐상은 치솟은 작품 가격만큼이나 작품을 보호하기 위한 철통 보안으로도 유명세를 타고... KBS2시간전다음뉴..
2023.05.04 -
The MOST BEAUTIFUL COUNTRIES in the World You Must See - 2022 (ucityguides.com) Top 10 Most Beautiful Countries in the World 1. Italy The world's most beautiful city, the most inspiring cultural treasures, and magnificent scenery: Nowhere else in the world will you find a bigger concentration of beauty. There's Venice, Florence and Rome with their varied architecture, the natura www.ucityguides...
2023.05.01 -
The world's most beautiful holiday destinations in photos
The world's most beautiful holiday destinations in photos (msn.com) The world's most beautiful holiday destinations in photos The world's most beautiful holiday destinations in photos Panama City, with almost 1 million inhabitants, may seem like Miami for its skyscrapers, diversity, chaos and dynamism. The city offers the tourist casinos and good gastronomy, with ceviche as the typical dish. For..
2023.05.01 -
52 Beautiful Places to Satisfy Your Wanderlust From Afar
52 Beautiful Places to Satisfy Your Wanderlust From Afar (msn.com) 52 Beautiful Places to Satisfy Your Wanderlust From Afar Go globe-trotting (virtually). www.msn.com 52 Beautiful Places to Satisfy Your Wanderlust From Afar 2 of 50 Photos in Gallery©Davide Seddio - Getty Images Chamarel, Mauritius Though this East African island attracts visitors primarily with its gorgeous, pristine beaches, if..
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Where the rich live: the world's wealthiest neighborhoods
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2023.04.30 -
Science shows us the 10 most spectacular landscapes in the world
Science shows us the 10 most spectacular landscapes in the world (msn.com) Science shows us the 10 most spectacular landscapes in the world Yosemite National Park is a stunning national park located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, in the United States. It is famous for its impressive mountains, valleys, rivers and waterfalls, as well as for its great biodiversity. The park is hom w..