2021. 9. 5. 22:58ㆍ■ 菩提樹/Borisu
■ Mount Seymour 2nd Pump
☯ Mount Seymour 2nd Pump-North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Mount Seymour is a mountain located in Mount Seymour Provincial Park in the District of North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It is a part of the North Shore Mountains, rising to the north from the shores of Burrard Inlet and Indian Arm to a summit of 1,449 m (4,754 ft) above the Indian River and Deep Cove neighbourhoods. Mount Seymour is most commonly identified for its ski area of the same name, and as a popular hiking area. It is named in honour of Frederick Seymour, second governor of the Colony of British Columbia. The name is used to refer to the ridge although the main summit is one of several, and is also known as Third Peak.
The mountain opened for skiing in 1938 under the ownership of the Swedish emigrant, Harald Enqvist, with a cafeteria and ski rental. A few years later, in 1949, the Government of British Columbia bought the ski area. The Government did not have the experience to run a ski area, so, they issued Mr. Enqvist the first Park Use Permit to operate the area. When the permit expired in 1951, the government found a concessionaire, who was put in charge of running the lifts, ski school and cafeteria. The name Enqvist was later spelled Enquist giving name to "The Enquist Lodge" and "Enquist Tube Park" among other facilities. The government retained overall ownership until 1984, when it privatized its operation as part of a cost-cutting measure.
The ski area has been run by the Wood family since 1984. They installed the Lodge chairlift in 1986 and the Brockton chairlift in the early 1990s.[3] Starting in the 2010s, the mountain has been more aggressively upgraded. The original Mystery Peak chairlift was removed in 2012 and replaced with a high-speed quad, while the Goldie rope tow was replaced with a magic carpet.
The original Mystery Peak chairlift, early 2000s.
On January 19, 2014, Tim Jones died while coming down from the North Shore Rescue team cabin on Mount Seymour. Tim had saved many lives on the mountain over the years. Shortly after his passing a community movement was formed to name the yet unnamed Second Peak of Seymour after him. This movement has gained a lot of traction in the community and has resulted in Bivouac.com changing the name on their mountain database
☛ From Wikipedia
■ 人生(인생)
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다만, 嚴重(엄중)한 現實(현실)앞에 우선순위를 어디에 어떻게 둘 것인가에 愼重(신중)을 기해서 責任(책임)과 義務(의무)를 다해야 할 것입니다.
人生事(인생사) 刹那(찰나)와 彈指(탄지)에 지나지 않습니다.
지금 이 순간, 最善(최선)입니까?
인생의 眞理(진리)는 오직 살아 있어야 되는 것입니다.
그러기 위해서는 오로지 건강하세요.
가족의 健康(건강)과 가정의 幸福(행복)을 축원합니다.
늘 고맙습니다.
19991212(陰1105) SUN
Mundy Sung
■ 生活사진
생활寫眞은 일상의 사소한 발견입니다.
삼라만상(森羅萬象)은 곧 사진의 훌륭한 소재라고 생각합니다.
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더 없는 사랑과 꾸밈없는 정성으로 인시공(人時空)을 담아내어 소중한 추억으로 오래토록 간직하게 되기를 희망합니다.
‘사진은 빛의 예술이자 역사의 기록이다’
생활寫眞에 대하여 이렇게 거창한 말까지 앞세울 필요는 전혀 없을 것 같습니다.
진실과 진심으로 있는 대로 보고 진정과 최선을 다하여 보이는 대로 담아내면 그것이 곧 예술이자 역사가 될 것입니다.
보다 많은 사진 인구의 저변 확대를 기대합니다.
가족의 건강과 가정의 행복을 祝願(축원)합니다.
오로지 건강하세요.
늘 고맙습니다.
20121212(陰1029) WED
Mundy Sung
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