2021. 9. 5. 22:57ㆍ■ 菩提樹/Borisu
■ Surfers Point at Seaside Park
☯ Surfers Point at Seaside Park(Pierpont Bay)-Ventura, California, USA
Ventura, officially San Buenaventura,[11] is the county seat of Ventura County, California, United States. The coastal site, set against undeveloped hills and flanked by two free-flowing rivers, has been inhabited for thousands of years. European explorers encountered a Chumash village, referred to as Shisholop, here while traveling along the Pacific coast.[12] They witnessed the ocean navigation skill of the native people and their use of the abundant local resources from sea and land.[13]:36 In 1782, the eponymous Mission San Buenaventura was founded nearby, where it benefitted from the water of the Ventura River. The town grew around the mission compound and incorporated in 1866. The development of nearby oil fields in the 1920s and the age of automobile travel created a major real estate boom during which many designated landmark buildings were constructed. The mission and these buildings are at the center of a downtown that has become a cultural, retail, and residential district and visitor destination.
Ventura lies between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara along U.S. Route 101, which was one of the original U.S. Routes. The highway is now known as the Ventura Freeway, but the original route through the town has been designated El Camino Real, the commemorative pathway connecting the California missions. During the post–World War II economic expansion, the community grew easterly, building detached single-family homes over the rich agricultural land created by the Santa Clara River at the edge of the Oxnard Plain. The population was 106,433 at the 2010 census, up from 100,916 at the 2000 census, with the median age being 39.[14] Ventura is part of the Oxnard–Thousand Oaks–Ventura, CA metropolitan area.
Archaeological discoveries in the area suggest that humans have populated the region for at least 10,000-12,000 years.[15] Archaeological research demonstrates that the Chumash people have deep roots in central and southern coastal regions of California, and has revealed artifacts from their culture.[13]:11 Shisholop Village, designated Historic Point of Interest #18 by the city at the foot of nearby Figueroa Street, was the site of a Chumash village.[12] The Ventura Chumash were in contact with the Channel Islands Chumash; both mainland and island Chumash utilized large plank-sewn seagoing canoes, called Tomol, with the island people bringing shell bead money, island chert, and sea otter pelts to trade for mainland products like acorns and deer meat
☛ From Wikipedia
■ 人生(인생)
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가족의 健康(건강)과 가정의 幸福(행복)을 축원합니다.
늘 고맙습니다.
19991212(陰1105) SUN
Mundy Sung
■ 生活사진
생활寫眞은 일상의 사소한 발견입니다.
삼라만상(森羅萬象)은 곧 사진의 훌륭한 소재라고 생각합니다.
늘 가지고 다니는 휴대 전화기나 손 안에 쏙 들어가는 똑따기 사진기만으로도 누구나 크게 공감하고 많이 동감하는 이야기를 만들 수가 있을 것이라 믿습니다.
더 없는 사랑과 꾸밈없는 정성으로 인시공(人時空)을 담아내어 소중한 추억으로 오래토록 간직하게 되기를 희망합니다.
‘사진은 빛의 예술이자 역사의 기록이다’
생활寫眞에 대하여 이렇게 거창한 말까지 앞세울 필요는 전혀 없을 것 같습니다.
진실과 진심으로 있는 대로 보고 진정과 최선을 다하여 보이는 대로 담아내면 그것이 곧 예술이자 역사가 될 것입니다.
보다 많은 사진 인구의 저변 확대를 기대합니다.
가족의 건강과 가정의 행복을 祝願(축원)합니다.
오로지 건강하세요.
늘 고맙습니다.
20121212(陰1029) WED
Mundy Sung
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