■ Best Countries Overall Rankings 2021

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Best Countries Overall Rankings 2021

overall-rankings-2021.pdf (usnews.com)


 Best Countries 2021

Global rankings, international news and data insights








Best Countries Overall Rankings 2021 Copyright © 2021 U.S.News & World Report LP All rights reserved.



1 Canada 3 6 1 46 1 14 3 12 19 33

2 Japan 7 1 13 6 20 5 26 6 28 10

3 Germany 4 2 9 39 11 9 18 4 47 27

4 Switzerland 14 7 5 21 9 8 1 17 13 21

5 Australia 2 12 6 18 8 16 12 16 8 23

6 United States 1 3 20 24 19 3 45 1 31 16

7 New Zealand 9 19 10 16 3 19 6 31 7 28

8 United Kingdom 12 4 14 42 14 4 23 5 37 13

9 Sweden 10 10 3 45 4 10 5 26 22 38

10 Netherlands 8 11 7 40 5 18 10 23 15 31

11 France 17 14 17 33 15 2 28 7 12 4

12 Denmark 11 13 2 53 2 21 4 34 36 51

13 Norway 15 15 4 34 6 23 7 32 20 35

14 Singapore 5 8 16 4 25 15 14 20 18 36

15 South Korea 6 5 18 8 29 7 39 8 52 42

16 Italy 19 21 22 20 17 1 30 15 2 2

17 China 13 9 23 5 68 11 55 2 55 12

18 Finland 18 18 8 44 7 24 9 45 26 43

19 Spain 20 25 19 29 18 6 27 18 3 1

20 Belgium 16 17 12 58 12 26 13 24 38 29

21 Austria 22 16 11 59 10 27 15 35 23 22

22 United Arab Emirates 21 20 24 1 76 12 51 10 53 53

23 Ireland 23 23 15 38 13 31 8 43 14 18

24 Russia 25 22 31 11 43 28 78 3 51 15

25 India 30 28 38 2 60 25 43 13 41 6

26 Brazil 24 37 52 9 34 13 68 19 1 14

27 Greece 32 32 26 17 21 17 34 49 4 3

28 Thailand 36 36 29 7 53 22 17 27 5 7

29 Portugal 26 26 21 56 16 30 19 41 9 11

30 Israel 28 24 36 12 39 39 65 11 64 30

31 Mexico 33 39 41 15 42 20 57 30 6 5

32 Qatar 27 27 34 13 78 33 52 22 72 77

33 Egypt 46 46 51 3 54 32 66 29 27 8

34 Turkey 35 35 40 19 63 29 69 14 21 9

35 Saudi Arabia 39 29 33 10 67 35 77 9 75 55

36 Malaysia 31 33 28 26 52 38 11 38 25 34

37 Indonesia 41 43 35 27 48 40 22 37 32 26

38 Morocco 52 62 47 14 58 36 31 58 24 17

39 Costa Rica 44 61 45 31 36 37 16 70 10 50

40 Vietnam 50 44 32 23 73 49 21 25 40 25

41 South Africa 37 38 63 25 35 41 63 28 30 24

42 Argentina 29 41 59 41 28 34 73 48 11 19

43 Poland 38 30 25 73 22 45 41 50 45 32

44 Philippines 45 42 39 37 50 42 25 44 17 40

45 Czechia 34 31 27 69 23 56 54 66 48 45

46 Croatia 40 40 37 61 27 44 37 73 35 41

47 Sri Lanka 71 65 58 22 64 48 20 56 43 47

48 Hungary 43 34 30 64 24 57 53 68 46 39

49 Chile 42 49 43 49 41 50 38 57 33 37

50 Peru 61 66 57 32 46 47 44 65 34 20

51 Panama 57 52 62 57 47 52 2 61 39 58

52 Dominican Republic 59 73 53 48 44 46 24 67 16 61

53 Kenya 66 70 69 28 49 53 47 59 44 54

54 Colombia 48 58 60 50 45 43 71 51 29 46

55 Cambodia 77 69 49 35 74 58 32 53 56 48 5

6 Jordan 63 63 68 36 62 51 61 46 65 44

57 Estonia 51 45 48 72 26 73 35 78 66 69

58 Myanmar 75 74 67 30 72 67 49 54 69 62

59 Uruguay 47 60 55 66 37 62 46 72 50 60

60 Slovenia 49 54 54 74 32 66 29 77 60 65

61 Bulgaria 56 47 42 71 31 64 58 74 58 57

62 Slovakia 53 53 46 77 33 65 33 71 62 64

63 Romania 62 50 44 68 40 55 59 69 54 49

64 Latvia 55 55 50 78 30 77 36 76 68 72

65 Tunisia 69 67 66 54 75 54 48 62 49 52

66 Azerbaijan 60 71 73 43 56 68 67 47 73 73

67 Lithuania 58 48 56 76 38 78 42 75 70 70

68 Ecuador 65 72 65 62 57 60 50 64 42 59

69 Guatemala 72 77 64 55 61 70 40 63 59 67

70 Oman 67 56 70 52 70 59 60 52 77 78

71 Ukraine 54 51 61 67 51 63 75 33 57 63

72 Kazakhstan 70 75 71 47 69 76 72 40 76 76

73 Uzbekistan 76 76 76 51 65 74 64 42 74 75

74 Lebanon 73 64 77 60 71 61 70 39 71 56

75 Belarus 64 57 72 65 59 72 74 36 63 71

76 Serbia 68 59 74 75 55 75 62 55 67 66

77 El Salvador 74 78 75 70 66 71 56 60 61 74

78 Iraq 78 68 78 63 77 69 76 21 78 68




Best Countries Overall Rankings 2021 Copyright © 2021 U.S.News & World Report LP All rights reserved. 4 Behind a country’s wealth and success are the policies that create possibilities, the people that drive the effort and the history that shapes the environment and perspective. Globalization has expanded a country’s presence beyond its physical borders, and the U.S. News Best Countries rankings – now in their sixth year – seek to examine a nation’s worth beyond hard metrics. The 2021 Best Countries report and rankings are based on how global perceptions define countries in terms of a number of qualitative characteristics, impressions that have the potential to drive trade, travel and investment and directly affect national economies. The report covers perceptions of 78 nations. Ranking the Countries The study and model used to score and rank countries were developed by BAV Group and The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, specifically Professor David Reibstein, in consultation with U.S. News & World Report. A set of 76 country attributes – terms that can be used to describe a country and that are also relevant to the success of a modern nation – were identified. Attributes by nation were presented in a survey of more than 17,000 people from across the globe. Participants assessed how closely they associated an attribute with a nation. Each country was scored on each of the 76 country attributes based on a collection of individual survey responses. The more a country was perceived to exemplify a certain characteristic in relation to the average, the higher that country’s attribute score and vice versa. These scores were normalized to account for outliers and transformed into a scale that could be compared across the board. Attributes were grouped into 10 subrankings that rolled into the Best Countries ranking: Adventure, Agility, Cultural Influence, Entrepreneurship, Heritage, Movers, Open for Business, Power, Social Purpose and Quality of Life. And to reflect a world transformed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the ensuing sharp economic downturn and calls worldwide for social justice and tackling inequality, two new subrankings were introduced: Agility and Social Purpose. Two new attributes – survey respondents’ views on how adaptable and responsive countries are – were added to existing attributes to help create the Agility subranking. The Social Purpose subranking replaces the previous Citizenship subranking and incorporates four new metrics – racial equity, cares about animal rights, committed to climate goals and committed to social justice – that join the earlier metrics. These thematic subrankings were formed by grouping country attributes that had similar global trends in survey responses. Subranking scores for each country were Here’s a look at the global perception data behind our rankings. MethodologyBest Countries Overall Rankings 2021 Copyright © 2021 U.S.News & World Report LP All rights reserved. 5 determined by averaging the scores that country received in each of the attributes comprising that subranking. To determine the weight each subranking score had in the overall Best Countries score, each was correlated to 2019 gross domestic product at purchasing power parity per capita – a measure of inclusive prosperity – as reported by the International Monetary Fund. Subrankings that demonstrated a stronger relationship with the wealth category were weighted more heavily, and all weights were standardized to total 100. The Movers subranking represents a version of BAV’s BrandAsset Valuator Model of Brand Building, a metric developed by BAV that is predictive of a country’s future growth in terms of gross domestic product at purchasing power parity. Instead of one year of data, it was correlated to projected growth through 2024. The subrankings, their weights in calculating the overall ranking score and the country attributes factored into each are below. The country attribute scores were equally weighted within each subranking. Subranking weights differ slightly from previous years, as they are tied to more recent gross domestic product data. They may not add up to precisely 100 due to rounding. Agility (14.18%): adaptable, dynamic, modern, progressive, responsive. Entrepreneurship (14.16%): connected to the rest of the world, educated population, entrepreneurial, innovative, provides easy access to capital, skilled labor force, technological expertise, transparent business practices, well-developed infrastructure, well-connected digital infrastructure, well-developed legal framework. Quality of Life (13.88%): a good job market, affordable, economically stable, family friendly, income equality, politically stable, safe, well-developed public education system, well-developed public health system. Movers (13.87%): different, distinctive, dynamic, unique. Social Purpose (12.23%): cares about human rights, cares about the environment, gender equality, religious freedom, respects property rights, trustworthy, well-distributed political power, racial equity, cares about animal rights, committed to climate goals, committed to social justice. Cultural Influence (10.45%): culturally significant in terms of entertainment, fashionable, happy, has an influential culture, has strong consumer brands, modern, prestigious, trendy. Open for Business (9.42%): cheap manufacturing costs, favorable tax environment, not bureaucratic, not corrupt, transparent government practices. Power (6.09%): a leader, economically influential, has strong exports, politically influential, strong international alliances, and a strong military. Adventure (3.79%): friendly, fun, good for tourism, pleasant climate, scenic, sexy. Heritage (1.93%): culturally accessible, has a rich history, has great food, many cultural attractions, many geographical attractions.Best Countries Overall Rankings 2021 Copyright © 2021 U.S.News & World Report LP All rights reserved. 6 To arrive at a country’s rank, we first calculated its standardized scores for each of the 76 country attributes. Each country received 10 subranking scores by averaging its scores for the country attributes grouped into that subranking. A country’s overall score reflects the weighted sum of its subranking scores. The subranking and overall scores were rescaled so that the top country in each sub-category received a value of 100, and others were calculated as a proportion of that top score. Scores were ranked in descending order. Additional lists rank the countries on more specific topics, such as the Best Countries for Women, the Best Countries to Raise Kids, the Best Countries for Green Living and the Best Countries for Education. Groups of relevant country attribute data were used to score and rank countries for these lists, but they do not affect the overall Best Countries score or ranking. Choosing Survey Participants To understand how countries are perceived, we endeavored to survey engaged citizens who are broadly representative of the global population, with an emphasis on those who would deem the topic and findings most relevant to their lives. Self-identification in demographic questions distinguished respondents into three defined groups: informed elites – college-educated individuals who consider themselves middle class or higher and who read or watch the news at least four days a week; business decision-makers – senior leaders in an organization or small business owners who employ others; and general public – adults at least 18 years old who were nationally representative of their country in terms of age and gender. Individuals who were likely to fit these descriptions were targeted and sent the link to an online survey through Lightspeed GMI, a global market research and data collection firm. We aimed to gather an equal share of responses from each type of citizen. A total of 17,326 individuals from 36 countries in four regions – the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East &Africa – were surveyed. Of the respondents, 10,068 were informed elites, 4,919 were business decision-makers and 5,817 were considered general public. Some respondents were considered both informed elites and business decision-makers. Regardless of demographics or participant type, each individual’s responses weighed equally in the results. Data Source: About the Survey Survey participants were given a random subset of countries and country attributes to consider. The combinations were presented in a grid form where participants were prompted to check off the characteristics they associated with each country. If a participant indicated that they were not familiar with a country, it was removed from their survey. Each participant considered about half of the country attributes for about a third of the countries. In this way, each attribute and country pair was reviewed at least 380 times by each of the three types of survey participants in each of the four regions. The more times an attribute-country pair was checked off in the grid, the higher the attribute score was for that Best Countries Overall Rankings 2021 Copyright © 2021 U.S.News & World Report LP All rights reserved. 7 country. In addition to considering countries in terms of attributes, each survey participant was asked to respond to a set of questions that gauge perceptions of the state of the world today on a variety of topics including the economy, the environment, leadership and technology. A set of standard demographic questions helped to screen for global diversity and equal weight among participant groups. Choosing the Countries to Rank We narrowed the world’s nations down to a statistically manageable group by comparing the performance of countries in a number of key business, economic and quality-of-life indicators. The 78 countries in the 2021 Best Countries rankings had to meet four criteria within the most recent year for which data are available specific to each benchmark to be included in the study: • Top 100 countries in terms of gross domestic product in 2018 or 2019, based on World Bank data • Top 100 countries in terms of foreign direct investment inflows in 2018 or 2019, based on World Bank data • Top 100 countries in terms of international tourism receipts in 2018 or 2019, based on World Bank data • Top 150 countries in the U.N.’s Human Development Index, based on the 2018 or 2019 report Those that did not reach all four of these benchmarks and those that did not report these statistics were not included. Reflective of global trends captured in the most recently available benchmark data, three countries that were ranked last year failed to meet all four benchmarks this year and have therefore dropped out of the rankings: Bolivia, Ghana and Luxembourg. Similarly, eight countries have been added back into the analysis: Belgium, Cambodia, El Salvador, Hungary, Iraq, Ireland, Uruguay and Uzbekistan. Collectively, the 78 countries in the report account for about 94% of global gross domestic product and represent about three-quarters of the world’s population. They span the globe, covering Africa, Asia, Central America, Eurasia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, Oceania and South America. Best Countries first launched in 2016 based on a model of a country’s brand evaluation created by BAV Consulting former CEO John Gerzema and Professor David Reibstein, tested by former BAV Group Senior Vice President Anna Blender and validated by WPP Senior Advisor David Sable. Methodology FAQ What’s different about this year’s Best Countries report? The Best Countries rankings are based largely on perception, and countries are assessed on the same set of 76 country attributes each year. However, the four benchmarks used to determine the set Best Countries Overall Rankings 2021 Copyright © 2021 U.S.News & World Report LP All rights reserved. 8 of countries that are assessed each year are driven by hard data. Incorporating the most recently available data for these benchmarks – gross domestic product, foreign direct investment inflows, international tourism receipts and the U.N.’s Human Development Index – changes the set of countries that meet the four benchmarks needed to be included in the analysis annually. This year, eight countries were added back into the analysis, while three other countries did not make the cut. Some of the country attributes reflect more unfavorable aspects of a country. Could high scores on these attributes help raise a country’s score or rank? Scores for the negative country attributes – bureaucratic and corrupt – were inverted when calculated into the subranking and overall scores. In this way, the countries that were the most closely associated with these attributes performed worse. Were there ties? No, scores were calculated in relation to each other in a way that did not allow for ties. Could survey participants answer about their country of residence or citizenship? Yes. Survey participants could answer about any country that was randomly assigned to them as long as they indicated that they were familiar with that country. The survey refers to 76 country attributes, but there are not that many listed. Eight country attributes were not included in any of the subrankings and therefore do not factor into the overall Best Countries score or rank. These data may be used in additional analysis. This methodology mentions a group of 78 countries and a group of 36 countries. What’s the difference? Seventy-eight countries were reviewed in a survey to create these rankings. People from 36 countries answered that survey. In many cases, countries overlapped, but the survey was fielded in some countries that were not ranked and vice versa. Why are a few rankings missing some countries? In the Best Countries to Study Abroad, Best Countries to Invest In and Best Countries to Start a Career, we thought it was best to compare survey responses between two types of participants. Countries with low initial scores were excluded from the list as the comparison would create misleading results. Neither of these lists affects the overall Best Countries scores or ranking.Best Countries Overall Rankings 2021 Copyright © 2021 U.S.News & World Report LP All rights reserved. 9 Where can I learn more about the study and the model? See the answers to some frequently asked questions here, and contact pr@usnews. com to reach U.S. News. Our partners advise governments, corporations and nongovernmental organizations on nation branding, including bespoke country analysis and other reports. Professor David Reibstein can be reached at reibstein@ wharton.upenn.edu. For more information see www.bavgroup.com.Best Countries Overall Rankings 2021 Copyright © 2021 U.S.News & World Report LP All rights reserved. 10 What is Best Countries? Best Countries is a dynamic multimedia portal that includes rankings, video content, interactive data visualization tools, original reporting from journalists and op-eds from international thought leaders. The content leverages data derived from a proprietary survey produced in partnership between U.S. News & World Report, BAV Group and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, specifically professor David J. Reibstein. The 2021 Best Countries rankings include an overall list of 78 nations numerically ranked as well as 10 subrankings: Agility, Social Purpose, Cultural Influence, Entrepreneurship, Quality of Life, Power, Heritage, Open for Business, Movers and Adventure. Additional featured rankings were produced, including the countries that are best to headquarter a corporation, raise a family, receive an education and more. Why rank countries? The Best Countries project is designed to help citizens, business leaders and policymakers better understand how their nations and others are perceived on a world scale. As a growing number of businesses and people have the ability to choose where in the world to invest their time and money, it has become increasingly valuable to understand how a nation’s policies, FAQ politics and products affect its perceived standing in the world. Perceptions have an impact on the willingness of people to invest in, conduct trade in and travel to nations, thereby having a direct impact on national economies. The data behind the rankings can help determine the current and future possibilities of economic, political and cultural success in a nation and can be used as a strategic decision-making tool for citizens, business leaders and governments to better evaluate their countries. The rankings are the centerpiece of the Best Countries portal that combines daily journalism, analyses and commentaries from journalists, as well as experts in government, business and academia to offer a range of perspectives on global issues, including foreign policy, immigration, human rights, security and more. How is this different from existing country rankings? Best Countries was produced using a proprietary survey and methodology developed in partnership with U.S. News, BAV Group and the Wharton School. It is the only study of this magnitude to evaluate how perceptions about countries impact a nation’s economy. The Best Countries rankings are based on 76 metrics, making it the most comprehensive global evaluation of Best Countries Overall Rankings 2021 Copyright © 2021 U.S.News & World Report LP All rights reserved. 11 nations to date. The breadth and depth of the proprietary survey uncovers exclusive trends and correlations that tell new stories about nations. The methodology was inspired by BAV’s BrandAsset® Valuator Model of Brand Equity, the world’s largest database of consumer perceptions of brands and the largest and longest running study of brands, uniquely tying the Best Countries rankings to a proven model of measuring perceptions. What role did each partner play in producing Best Countries? U.S. News, the global authority in rankings, news and analysis, designed and hosts the online platform. It leads the daily editorial direction of the website. BAV Group led market research for 2021 Best Countries, using their proprietary BrandAsset® Valuator, the world’s largest brand management tool and database of consumer perceptions of brands. Marketing professor David Reibstein of Penn’s Wharton School oversaw the methodology’s development. All three partners were involved in producing the proprietary survey and methodology used in the global study. How were the countries ranked? Seventy-eight nations were ranked using data fielded from a proprietary perception survey developed by U.S. News, BAV Group and the Wharton School. Perception data were derived from a survey of 17,326 respondents – including members of the general population, informed elites and business decision makers – across 36 countries in four regions: the Americas, Europe and the Middle East, Africa and Asia. The surveys were conducted online. Respondents were asked to share their perceptions of 78 nations in terms of specific country characteristics, or attributes. These attributes were scored individually and separated into 10 thematic groupings that had similar trends in survey responses. The relative importance, or weight, given to each of the 10 subrankings was based on the magnitude of that subranking’s correlation with gross domestic product per capita purchasing power and rolled into one overall Best Countries ranking. See the methodology for more details. How were the 78 countries chosen? Collectively, the 78 nations represented in the 2021 Best Countries rankings account for nearly 94% of global gross domestic product (GDP) and represent about threequarters of the world’s population. These countries were selected based on composite performance in key business, economic and quality of life data. Nations included in the 2021 rankings had to meet four benchmarks within the most recent year for which data are available – either 2018 or 2019: • Top 100 countries in terms of GDP, based on International Monetary Fund data. • Top 100 countries in terms of Best Countries Overall Rankings 2021 Copyright © 2021 U.S.News & World Report LP All rights reserved. 12 foreign direct investment inflows, based on World Bank data. • Top 150 countries in the U.N.’s Human Development Index. • Top 100 countries in terms of international tourism receipts, based on World Bank data. See the methodology for more details. Are the rankings objective? To ensure the objectivity of the ranking methodology, each of the subranking variables was weighted based on its correlation with the GDP per capita purchasing power. Variables with higher correlations to GDP per capita purchasing power were weighted more heavily. To keep the rankings comparable, the Best Countries ranking only included nations that reached benchmarks on four composite performance rankings: the Top 150 Countries in the U.N.’s Human Development Index, the World Bank’s Top 100 countries in terms of foreign direct investment inflows, the World Bank’s Top 100 Countries in terms of GDP and the World Bank’s top 100 countries in terms of international tourism receipts. To make the rankings comprehensive, perception data were derived from a survey of more than 17,000 respondents – including the general population, informed elites and business decision makers – across 36 countries in four regions: the Americas, Europe and the Middle East, Africa and Asia. What’s different about this year’s Best Countries report? The Best Countries rankings are based largely on perception, and countries are assessed on the same set of 76 country attributes, an increase of 11 attributes from previous years to reflect how the COVID-19 pandemic, economic downturns and intensified calls for social justice have echoed around the world. However, the four benchmarks used to determine the set of countries that are assessed each year are driven by hard data. Incorporating the most recently available data for these benchmarks – gross domestic product, foreign direct investment inflows, international tourism receipts and the U.N.’s Human Development Index – changes the set of countries that meet the four benchmarks needed to be included in the analysis annually. This year, eight countries – Belgium, Cambodia, El Salvador, Hungary, Iraq, Ireland, Uruguay and Uzbekistan – were added back into the analysis, while three other countries did not make the cut: Bolivia, Ghana and Luxembourg. Whom should I email with questions? For questions about Best Countries, 


please email pr@usnews.com