■ 기러기 가족

2021. 5. 19. 07:12■ 菩提樹/Borisu

 밴조선 커뮤니티 :: 밴조선 카페 > 포토사랑 > ■ 기러기 가족 (vanchosun.com)


 캐나다 기러기(Branta canadensis/Canada goose)-Lillooet Lake


 캐나다기러기(Branta canadensis, 영어: Canada goose)

북아메리카에 서식하는 대형 야생 기러기(거위)의 일종이다. 일부는 계절에 따라 북부 유럽까지 진출하기도 한다. 원래는 겨울이 되면 남쪽으로 이동하는 철새이지만, 점차 텃새화가 진행되고 있어서 문제를 일으키고 있다.우리나라에는 겨울이 되면 불규칙적으로 큰기러기 무리에 섞여서 오는 겨울철새다.


The Canada goose (Branta canadensis) is a large wild goose with a black head and neck, white cheeks, white under its chin, and a brown body. It is native to the arctic and temperate regions of North America, and its migration occasionally reaches across the Atlantic to northern Europe. It has been introduced to the United Kingdom, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, New Zealand, Japan, Chile, Argentina and the Falkland Islands.[2] Like most geese, the Canada goose is primarily herbivorous and normally migratory; it tends to be found on or close to fresh water.


Extremely adept at living in human-altered areas, Canada geese have established breeding colonies in urban and cultivated habitats, which provide food and few natural predators. The success of this common park species has led to its often being considered a pest species because of its excrement, its depredation of crops, its noise, its aggressive territorial behavior toward both humans and other animals, and its habit of stalking and begging for food, a result of humans disobeying artificial feeding policies of wild animals.


Nomenclature and taxonomy


Canada geese grazing across the Ottawa River from Parliament Hill (2019)

The Canada goose was one of the many species described by Carl Linnaeus in his 18th-century work Systema Naturae.[3] It belongs to the Branta genus of geese, which contains species with largely black plumage, distinguishing them from the grey species of the genus Anser.


Branta was a Latinised form of Old Norse Brandgás, "burnt (black) goose" and the specific epithet canadensis is a New Latin word meaning "from Canada".[4] According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first citation for the 'Canada goose' dates back to 1772. The Canada goose is also colloquially referred to as the "Canadian goose".


The cackling goose was originally considered to be the same species or several subspecies of the Canada goose, but in July 2004, the American Ornithologists' Union's Committee on Classification and Nomenclature split them into two species, making the cackling goose into a full species with the scientific name Branta hutchinsii. The British Ornithologists' Union followed suit in June 2005.[9]


The AOU has divided the many subspecies between the two species. The subspecies of the Canada goose were listed as:


Atlantic Canada goose (B. c. canadensis) (Linnaeus, 1758)

Interior Canada goose (B. c. interior) (Todd, 1938)

Giant Canada goose (B. c. maxima) Delacour, 1951

Moffitt's Canada goose (B. c. moffitti) Aldrich, 1946

Vancouver Canada goose (B. c. fulva) (Delacour, 1951)

Dusky Canada goose (B. c. occidentalis) (Baird, 1858)

Lesser Canada goose (B. c. parvipes) (Cassin, 1852)

The distinctions between the two geese have led to confusion and debate among ornithologists. This has been aggravated by the overlap between the small types of Canada goose and larger types of cackling goose. The old "lesser Canada geese" were believed to be a partly hybrid population, with the birds named B. c. taverneri considered a mixture of B. c. minima, B. c. occidentalis, and B. c. parvipes. The holotype specimen of taverneri is a straightforward large pale cackling goose however, and hence the taxon is still valid today and was renamed "Taverner's cackling goose".


In addition, the barnacle goose (B. leucopsis) was determined to be a derivative of the cackling goose lineage, whereas the Hawaiian goose (B. sandvicensis) originated from ancestral Canada geese. Thus, the species' distinctness is well evidenced. A recent proposed revision by Harold C. Hanson suggests splitting Canada and cackling goose into six species and 200 subspecies. The radical nature of this proposal has provoked surprise in some quarters; Richard Banks of the AOU urges caution before any of Hanson's proposals are accepted.


※ From Wikipedia(자료 출처 위키 백과)



人生事(인생사) 先後(선후) 緩急(완급) 輕重(경중)이 있습니다.

우리네 人生(인생)아무도 대신 살아 주거나 누구도 대신 아파 주거나 죽어 줄 수가 없는 것입니다.

어디든지 갈 수 있을 때 가지 않으면 가고 싶을 때 갈 수가 없고 무엇이든지 할 수 있을 때 하지 않으면 하고 싶을 때 할 수가 없는 것입니다.

奇跡(기적)은 아무에게나 어디서나 함부로 일어나지 않습니다.


우리가 어릴 때는 꿈과 희망먹고 자랐지만 성인이 되면 計劃(계획) 實踐(실천) 만이 존재할 뿐입니다.

마음 가는 대로 잘 생각하고 判斷(판단)해서 몸 가는 대로 行動(행동) 하고 實踐(실천)하며 하고 싶은 대로 하고 살면 될 것입니다.

다만, 嚴重(엄중) 現實(현실)앞에 우선순위를 어디에 어떻게 둘 것인가에 愼重(신중) 기해서 責任(책임) 義務(의무)를 다해야 할 것입니다.

人生事(인생사) 刹那(찰나) 彈指(탄지) 지나지 않습니다.

지금 이 순간, 最善(최선)입니까?


인생의 眞理(진리)오직 살아 있어야 되는 것입니다.

그러기 위해서는 오로지 건강하세요.

가족의 健康(건강)가정의 幸福(행복)축원합니다.

늘 고맙습니다.


19991212(陰1105) SUN

Mundy Sung


Lillooet Lake

Lillooet Lake Bridge(BC-99, Lillooet, BC V0N 2K0)

Lillooet Lake Rd(Lillooet Lake Rd)


Lillooet Lake is a lake in British Columbia, Canada about 25 km in length and about 33.5 square kilometres (22 mi²) in area. It is about 95 km downstream from the source of the Lillooet River, which resumes its course after leaving Little Lillooet Lake, aka Tenas Lake (tenass in the Chinook Jargon means little). Immediately adjacent to the mouth of the upper Lillooet River is the mouth of the Birkenhead River and just upstream along the Lillooet is the confluence of the Green River, which begins at Green Lake in the resort area of Whistler.

The community of Pemberton is about 12 km upstream from the head of Lillooet Lake, while the eastern edge of the Mount Currie Indian Reserve of the Lil'wat branch of the St'at'imc people is the lakeshore itself. The eastern ramparts of the mountain ranges of Garibaldi Provincial Park overlook Lillooet Lake from the west, while to the east are the northern reaches of the Lillooet Ranges which lie between the Lillooet-Harrison drainage and the Fraser River.

Lillooet Lake was part of the "Lakes Route" or Douglas Road, once if only briefly the principal route between the Coast and the Interior during the days of the Fraser Canyon Gold Rush. Several steamers and innumerable smaller watercraft served the busy freight and passenger traffic in those days. The best-known and largest of these was the SS Prince of Wales, whose wreckage was visible on the shores of the lake near Mount Currie for many years.

External links[edit]



가족(家族)은 대체로 혈연, 혼인, 입양 등으로 관계되어 같이 일상의 생활을 공유하는 사람들의 집단(공동체) 또는 그 구성원을 말한다. 집단을 말할 때는 가정이라고도 하며, 그 구성원을 말할 때는 가솔(家率) 또는 식솔(食率)이라고도 한다.

많은 사회는 가족의 범위를 법률이나 그 외의 규범으로 규정하고 있다. 세계인권선언의 16 3항에 따르면, “가정은 사회의 자연적이고 기초적인 단위이며, 사회와 국가의 보호를 받을 권리가 있다라고 한다.


혈연이나 혼인 이외 관계도 가족구성권을 가질 수 있도록 하는 법안들이 마련되는 추세이다. 영국의 시민동반자법(civil partnerships), 미국의 시민결합제도(civil unions), 호주의 사실혼(de facto mateship), 프랑스의 시민연대협약(PACS) 등이 그것이다.



생활寫眞 일상의 사소한 발견입니다.

森羅萬象(삼라만상)은 곧 사진의 훌륭한 소재라고 생각합니다.

늘 가지고 다니는 휴대 전화기나 손 안에 쏙 들어가는 똑따기 사진기만으로도 누구나 크게 공감하고 많이 동감하는 이야기를 만들 수가 있을 것이라 믿습니다.

더 없는 사랑과 꾸밈없는 정성으로 人時空(인시공)을 담아내어 소중 추억으로 오래토록 간직하게 되기를 희망합니다.


사진은 빛의 예술이자 역사의 기록이다

생활寫眞에 대하여 이렇게 거창한 말까지 앞세울 필요는 전혀 없을 것 같습니다.

진실 진심으로 있는 대로 보고 진정 최선을 다하여 보이는 대로 담아내면 그것이 곧 예술이자 역사가 될 것입니다.

보다 많은 사진 인구 저변 확대 기대합니다.


가족의 건강 가정의 행복 祝願(축원)합니다.

오로지 건강하세요.

늘 고맙습니다.


20121212(陰1029) WED

Mundy Sung


 CAMERA : SONY DSC-HX90V(Compact Camera/똑따기 사진기)


20210514 FRI 기러기 가족-Lillooet Lake-British Columbia



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