■ 20200504 MON Vancouver Sunrise

2021. 5. 12. 14:06■ 菩提樹/Borisu

20200504 MON Vancouver Sunrise

VANCOUVER 日出(일출) Sunrise 20200504 MON 05:46(64°ENE)(KOREA 20200504 MON 21:46)


Lady Peak is a mountain located just southeast of Cheam Peak in the Cheam Range near Chilliwack, British Columbia. It is west of the four peaks in the eastern portion of the range known as The Lucky Four Group or The Lucky Four,[2] consisting of Knight, Foley, Stewart and Welch peaks.


According to the Canadian Mountain Encyclopedia "From the Chilliwack area, according to Sto:lo Nation culture, Lady Peak looks like the head of a dog. This dog is the companion of the Old Woman, Cheam"[1]


Lady Peak can be summited by a route that branches off the Cheam Peak Trail.


Cheam Peak or Mount Cheam (pronounced /ʃɛm/ and /ˈʃiːæm/ in English, [ˈʃiːəm] in Halqemeylem, the local indigenous language, referring to the lowland below. The Halqemeylem name for the mountain is Lhílheqey Theeth-uhl-kay from the word Lhelqey "glacier" or "rehydrate",[1] referring to the west ridge of the peak).

From Wikipedia


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20121212(1029) WED

Mundy Sung

CAMERA : SONY DSC-HX80(똑따기 사진기)

20200504 MON Vancouver Sunrise

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