2020년 마지막 슈퍼문 the flower moon

2020. 5. 7. 09:42■ 우주 과학 건설/宇宙

full moon  ① 보름달 ② 만월 ③ 만월의 상 더보기

supermoon 바로저장 단어장선택

the flower moon 

Full Flower Moon above Himachal Pradesh, India

epa08408923 A man lights a cigarette as a full moon rises above Himachal Pradesh, India, 07 May 2020. The full Moon of May, also known as Flower Moon, is the last of a series of four supermoons in 2020. EPA/SANJAY BAID  

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  • is on October 7.When the night of the harvest moon coincides with the night of the equinox, it is called a "Super Harvest Moon." In 2010 in the contiguous United States, the harvest moon happened in the early morning hours of Sept 23...

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  • 보름달
    (full moon)

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  • 보름달
    (full moon)

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HT GT 입력 2020.05.08. 11:28

Full Flower Moon above Himachal Pradesh, India

epa08408923 A man lights a cigarette as a full moon rises above Himachal Pradesh, India, 07 May 2020. The full Moon of May, also known as Flower Moon, is the last of a series of four supermoons in 2020. EPA/SANJAY BAID

Super Moon
Super Moon블로그
Super Moon
Super Moon블로그
Super Moon
Super Moon블로그

동영상 바로보기 플레이어 닫기 03:37

Full Moon
Full Moon블로그
Full Moon
Full Moon블로그