2019년 11월 11일(월) Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day
① 영령 기념일 ② (캐) 제1차·제2차 세계 대전의 전사자를 기념하는 법정 휴일 ③ (영) Remembrance Sunday의 구칭. ARMISTICE DAY 더보기
Remembrance Day (sometimes known informally as Poppy Day owing to the tradition of the remembrance poppy) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth member states since the end of the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. Following a tradition inaugurated by King George V in 1919,[1] the day is also marked by war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November in most countries to recall the end of hostilities of First World War on that date in 1918. Hostilities formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month", in accordance with the armistice signed by representatives of Germany and the Entente between 5:12 and 5:20 that morning. ("At the 11th hour" refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11:00 am.) The First World War officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919.[2]
The tradition of Remembrance Day evolved out of Armistice Day. The initial Armistice Day was observed at Buckingham Palace, commencing with King George V hosting a "Banquet in Honour of the President of the French Republic"[3] during the evening hours of 10 November 1919. The first official Armistice Day was subsequently held on the grounds of Buckingham Palace the following morning. During the Second World War, many countries changed the name of the holiday. Member states of the Commonwealth of Nations adopted Remembrance Day, while the US chose Veterans Day.[4]
영령 기념일 (Remembrance Day, リメンブランス・デー)
영령 기념일 또는 종전 기념일은 제1차 세계 대전을 비롯한 전쟁들을 기념하기 위해 영국 연방 국가들과 프랑스·벨기에를 포함 여러 유럽 국가에서 지켜지는 현충일(顯忠日)이다. 1차 세계 대전이 끝난 1918년 11월 11일을 회상하기 위해 11월 11일에 지...
11월이면 여왕은 물론 온 국민이 양귀비꽃 배지를 가슴에 답니다. 1차 세계대전 종전일인 11월 11일을 ‘영령기념일(Remembrance Day)’로 지정하고 11월 한 달 동안 순국열사들을 추모하기 때문인데요. 우리 식으로 말하면 호국보훈의 달과 현충일이라고...
문득, 묻다 : 첫 번째 이야기
Remembrance Day (sometimes known as Poppy Day) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth of Nations member states since the end of the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. Foll...
영어 위키백과
3시간전 | 남도일보 11일을 영연방국(영국, 캐나다, 호주, 뉴질랜드 등)에서는 ‘Remembrance day‘로, 미국에서는 ’Veterans Day’(제대군인의 날)로 지정해 참전용사들의 희생과 헌신에...
11시간전 | 플러스코리아 기념하는 데서 비롯되었다. 영국과 캐나다에서도 11월 11일을 '영령 기념일(Remembrance Day)'로 지정하여 전쟁으로 산화한 순국열사들을 추모한다. 그리고 같은 날, 부산...
2019.11.03 | 연합뉴스 | 다음뉴스 India, 02 November 2019. All Souls' Day, or the Feast of All Souls, is a day of remembrance for friends and loved ones who have passed away. EPA/SANJEEV GUPTA...
2019.11.05 | 부산이야기 He played "The Last Post," a funeral dirge. It was Nov. 11, known as Remembrance Day in Canada and other Commonwealth Nations, Veterans Day in the United States...
2019.11.05 | 넥스트데일리 BBC Children in need의 Pudsey bear와 다른 하나는 11월 11일에 예정된 Remembrance day이다. BBC의 Children in need는 장애 혹은 Disadvantage가 있는 아이들을 위한...
2019.11.05 | 월드코리안 메이페어참전용사위원회가 주관한 ‘제18회 메이페어 참전용사 기념식(Mayfair Remembrance Day- Salute to American Heros)’에서 특별상을 받았다.11월3일 시카고 참전...
2019.11.04 | 부산이야기 11월 11일이었다. 오늘날 캐나다와 영연방 국가에서는 이날을 '영령 기념일(Remembrance Day)'이라 부르고, 미국에서는 '재향 군인의 날(Veterans Day)', 벨기에와 프랑스...
2019.11.02 | 연합뉴스 | 다음뉴스 stand between graves during All Saints' Day at Panevezys Cemetery, inPanevezys...and lay floral wreaths in remembrance of the dead. EPA/TOMS KALNINS <저작권자...
2019.11.06 | 부산이야기 world's war tribute is Turn Toward Busan, an effort to make Nov. 11 a day of remembrance for those who sacrificed their lives to defend the Republic of Korea...
2019.10.30 | 전국매일신문 한다. 11월 11일은 제1차 세계대전 종전일이며 영연방에서는 현충일(Remembrance Day)로 지정된 날이다. 또한 미국에서는 제대군인의 날(Veterans Day)로 그들의 희생과...
2019.10.30 | 연합뉴스 | 다음뉴스 were buried in the Levashovo cemetery in 1937-1953, and October 30 is the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Political Repressions in Russia. (AP Photo/Dmitri...
2019.05.08 | 연합뉴스 | 다음뉴스 near of wall with portraits of lost Ukrainian soldiers as they mark the Day of Remembrance to commemorate all victims in the Eastern Ukrainian conflict in...
2019.10.16 | 파이낸스경제신문 기리기 위해 재향군인의 날로 지정했다.이날을 캐나다에서는 `영령 기념일(Remembrance Day)`로 지키고 있다. 영국에서는 11월 11일과 가장 가까운 일요일을 제1·2차 세계...
2019.05.03 | 연합뉴스 | 다음뉴스 visit the Yad Va'Shem Holocaust memorial to mark the annual Holocaust Remembrance Day in Jerusalem, May 2, 2019. (Xinhua/Gil Cohen Magen) <저작권자(c) 연합뉴스...
2019.10.02 | 연합뉴스 | 다음뉴스 an innovative poppy-shaped silver coin. The 2019 $10 Fine Silver Coin - Remembrance Day is the work of Mint product manager and artist Jamie Desrochers, whose...
2019.06.14 | 연합뉴스 | 다음뉴스 the Victims of the Nazi German Concentration and Death Camps is a solemn remembrance day in Poland observed on 14 June. The date of 14 June was chosen because on...
2019.10.25 | 연합뉴스 | 다음뉴스 A sign marking the day of the shooting that killed 11 worshippers and wounded...on Jews in U.S. history. A virtual remembrance, an overseas concert and community...
2019.10.02 | 연합뉴스 | 다음뉴스 모양의 은화를 자부심을 갖고 제작했다. 2019년도판 10달러 순은화 - 현충일(Remembrance Day)은 동 민트의 제품 매니저이자 아티스트 제이미 디스로처스의 작품으로서 다층...
2019.01.27 | 연합뉴스 | 다음뉴스 the Mirror Memorial Never Again Auschwitz during the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27 January 2019. An estimate of up to...
2019.01.28 | 연합뉴스 | 다음뉴스 his speech during a commemoration marking the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in the Goldmark Room of the Federation of Jewish Religious Communities of...
Youtube | 2018.11.09 | 재생 횟수 89,227 50501^34F66hhyqybwgVrNHi^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6p2JjTaMt8 50502^34F66hhyqybwgVrNHi^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6p2JjTaMt8 Youtube | 2014.11.05 | 재생 횟수 125,125 50501^34LKoM9Ou0984-hi1H^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH3W3hJq09E 50502^34LKoM9Ou0984-hi1H^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH3W3hJq09E 인기 Youtube | 2011.11.12 | 재생 횟수 118,461 50501^34_OomO3RZ4aSnYdxc^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ny70u79gAnU 50502^34_OomO3RZ4aSnYdxc^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ny70u79gAnU 인기 Youtube | 2016.10.08 | 재생 횟수 72,141 50501^34G0KpOi6XVAXfSbcE^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6ut0SETxtQ 50502^34G0KpOi6XVAXfSbcE^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6ut0SETxtQ Youtube | 2019.10.30 | 재생 횟수 123 50501^34h0yvJ7WT-x5R7rUl^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnW7xWynUHQ 50502^34h0yvJ7WT-x5R7rUl^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnW7xWynUHQ Youtube | 2014.11.12. | 재생 횟수 20,497 50501^34GMhuasgTX0EqF9Dx^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZBwevtsbWk 50502^34GMhuasgTX0EqF9Dx^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZBwevtsbWk 인기 Youtube | 2010.11.12. | 재생 횟수 7,268 50501^34Zm1yfRCw2Wh_HqQ9^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfBSnV5NokY 50502^34Zm1yfRCw2Wh_HqQ9^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfBSnV5NokY Youtube | 2014.11.13. | 재생 횟수 5,321 50501^34DtCf6PCRZZoBI8bg^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0an5XZjXW0 50502^34DtCf6PCRZZoBI8bg^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0an5XZjXW0 Youtube | 2018.4.13. | 재생 횟수 1,989 50501^34K2qkHquDjCxDRrvH^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKiuy25bxWM 50502^34K2qkHquDjCxDRrvH^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKiuy25bxWM Youtube | 2014.4.13. | 재생 횟수 4,128 50501^34FzPx2EWjZ6dsYT0_^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzr2rbwKhO0 50502^34FzPx2EWjZ6dsYT0_^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzr2rbwKhO0 Youtube | 2019.6.9. | 재생 횟수 282 50501^34Z_d0MCc0de3L_t3_^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcaQhb9Er3c 50502^34Z_d0MCc0de3L_t3_^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcaQhb9Er3c Youtube | 2019.10.5. | 재생 횟수 21 50501^34hANP91bDTUbWitQ0^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZbuk8uf_S8 50502^34hANP91bDTUbWitQ0^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZbuk8uf_S8 Youtube | 2014.1.28. | 재생 횟수 2,229 50501^34whDQlT5nBWQn0uCQ^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF8ZLlrcXhg 50502^34whDQlT5nBWQn0uCQ^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WF8ZLlrcXhg Youtube | 2014.4.13. | 재생 횟수 1,459 50501^34vAvYTO_LxABGW-_J^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx3jTxTcv9o 50502^34vAvYTO_LxABGW-_J^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qx3jTxTcv9o Youtube | 2019.11.2. | 재생 횟수 4,816 50501^34ooEZyUZdSaIoiIu5^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSCAAEpy9JQ 50502^34ooEZyUZdSaIoiIu5^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSCAAEpy9JQ Youtube | 2014.4.13. | 재생 횟수 672 50501^34EfUPcHxZhGvC7tNg^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvF0RWVQJzo 50502^34EfUPcHxZhGvC7tNg^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvF0RWVQJzo Youtube | 2016.11.14. | 재생 횟수 509 50501^34ud02kSw3H7ZbPbNI^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltTvzH6g7Ck 50502^34ud02kSw3H7ZbPbNI^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltTvzH6g7Ck Youtube | 2019.10.29. | 재생 횟수 7,879 50501^34b9WwulAEHzPFgs8C^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEW7RL7_t-g 50502^34b9WwulAEHzPFgs8C^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEW7RL7_t-g Youtube | 2014.11.14. | 재생 횟수 420 50501^34CGyv_mnAyhhVjWV4^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty03BO3bMq4 50502^34CGyv_mnAyhhVjWV4^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty03BO3bMq4 Youtube | 2015.11.9. | 재생 횟수 262 50501^346t_TBlfMsGN6yl3a^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qz4g9ikY5o 50502^346t_TBlfMsGN6yl3a^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qz4g9ikY5o Youtube | 2015.11.9. | 재생 횟수 250 50501^34vrMecO3QLTvUKCEV^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmYEdQoAUv4 50502^34vrMecO3QLTvUKCEV^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmYEdQoAUv4 Youtube | 2014.11.10. | 재생 횟수 206 50501^3442u_1DIeQlPt9cvz^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf9A-xhsJ_8 50502^3442u_1DIeQlPt9cvz^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf9A-xhsJ_8 Youtube | 2016.11.21. | 재생 횟수 155 50501^34cewzXDL0AtH7k8dL^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FejFNXAPfp8 50502^34cewzXDL0AtH7k8dL^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FejFNXAPfp8 Youtube | 2019.10.8. | 재생 횟수 4,017 50501^34bbuONnXhPti4y2C3^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUog_hARQq4 50502^34bbuONnXhPti4y2C3^http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUog_hARQq4 네이버블로그 | 2014.11.5. | 재생 횟수 86 50501^34K_GLvBUh7XYRjNhu^http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=you9501&logNo=220171955618&jumpingVid=17DDDE17251F9E5CA68317726641FECC2674 50502^34K_GLvBUh7XYRjNhu^http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=you9501&logNo=220171955618&jumpingVid=17DDDE17251F9E5CA68317726641FECC2674
웹문서 Current location: Remembrance Day 11 November Remembrance Day on 11 November 1918, the guns of the Western Front fell silent after four years of continuous warfare. With their armies retreating and...
Accessibility links SearchSearch the BBC What is Remembrance Day?11 Nov 201811 November 2018Last updated at 11:46PAPoppies are worn by millions as a symbol to remember all of the people who have...
of video interviews offers personal insights into the experiences of Canadian Veterans. A Day of Remembrance Learn more about the courage of our Canadian heroes and why we pause to remember them on...
The Duke of Sussex will be reunited with his brother, the Duke of Cambridge, for Remembrance Day events this weekend, marking the first time they will have been seen together in public since he...
웹수집 Honoring those lost to anti-transgender violence
40101^84851aeaf1a6568fe121d03cf2f93cf46451e099^https://tdor.info/^1^article 웹수집 40101^08f181c5ce98b64a8618255332ee1fbeb3f70941^http://www.africanremembrance.org.uk/^1^article 웹수집 40101^8b06072cbc4dec15805bf85dad92e488f9b76758^http://remembrancedayball.com/^1^article 웹수집 Remembrance Day poems of remembrance and honour dedicated to those who have served or made the...
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