요약장미과에 속하는 낙엽 활엽 관목. 전 세계에 분포하며, 영국이나 미국의 넓은 대지에 심긴다. 영국의 블레어고우리, 미국의 메릴랜드·뉴저지·뉴욕·미시간·미네소타·워싱턴·오리건 등이 주산지다. 1m가 달하는 높이에 줄기와 가지에 가시가 나며, 6~7월 사이에 꽃이 핀다. 열매는 빨간색, 자주색 또는 검은색이다. 술에 넣어 향기를 내는 데 쓰이기도 하며 뿌리는 출혈증, 적백대하, 설사, 이질, 갈증해소 등의 약재로 사용한다.
장미과의 낙엽관목. 학명은Rubusidaeus var. concolor이다. 전 세계에 분포하며 한국에는 전국적으로 분포한다. 주로 산비탈 양지에 서식한다. AD 23~29년에 살았던 자연철학자 플리니는 나무딸기를 야생 열매라고 했으며, 존 파킨슨은 〈파라디수스(Paradisus)〉(1629)라는 책에서 빨간색, 하얀색 또는 가시가 없는 여러 종류의 나무딸기에 대해 쓰고 있는데, 나무딸기는 거의 이 시기에 재배가 시작되었다.
높이가 1m에 달하고 줄기에 털이 하나도 없다. 줄기와 가지에 가시가 있다. 잎은 어긋나며 뒤쪽에 털이 없고 긴 달걀형이며 끝은 뾰족하다. 잎 가장자리에 불규칙한 톱니가 있다. 꽃은 6-7월에 나고 화서(花序)에 털과 가시가 있다. 꽃받침 조각은 길고 뾰족하다. 즙이 있는 빨간색, 자주색 또는 검은색(드물게 오렌지색, 황갈색 또는 연한 노란색)의 장과가 열리는데 열매 속이 식물체에 붙어 있어 장과만 떨어진다. 반면 이와 비슷한 검은딸기는 열매 속이 장과 속에 들어 있어 장과와 함께 떨어진다.
영국에서는 약 4,000㏊나 되는 넓은 면적에 빨간색 열매를 맺는 나무딸기를 심고 있다. 스코틀랜드에서는 블레어고우리 지방이 나무딸기의 주산지이며, 잉글랜드에서는 동쪽에 위치한 켄트 지방과 헤리퍼드 우스터 지방이 중심지이다. 1열에 450㎜ 간격으로 열과 열의 사이는 2~2.5m 정도로 심으며, 때때로 다른 과일나무들과 함께 심기도 한다.
미국에서는 약 4,500㏊에 나무딸기를 심고 있는데 검은색 열매가 맺히는 나무딸기와 빨간색 열매를 맺는 나무딸기를 거의 같은 비율로 심으며, 자주색 열매를 맺는 품종도 일부 심고 있다. 가장 중요한 주산지는 메릴랜드·뉴저지·뉴욕·미시간·미네소타·워싱턴·오리건 등이다. 미국에서는 다른 과일나무들과 같이 심지 않는다.
빨간색 열매가 맺히는 나무딸기는 뿌리에서 만들어진 흡기에 의해 번식하며, 빨리 새로운 개체들을 얻기 위해 뿌리를 75㎜ 정도 길이로 잘라 심기도 한다. 검은색과 자주색 열매가 맺히는 품종들은 줄기가 반달처럼 휘어져 있으며, 줄기의 끝부분을 잘라 늦여름에 땅속 50㎜ 깊이에 심은 뒤 다음해 이른봄에 뿌리가 생기면 줄기의 끝부분을 파서 옮겨 심어 번식시킨다.
검은색의 열매가 맺히는 나무딸기는 잎눈을 떼어내어 번식시키는 경우도 있다. 검은색과 빨간색 열매가 맺히는 나무딸기는 줄기가 단단할수록 생산량이 많다. 빨간색 열매가 맺히는 나무딸기의 줄기를 받쳐주기 위해 말뚝이나 울타리를 세워주기도 한다.
나무딸기에는 철분과 비타민C가 들어있다. 열매는 날것으로 먹거나, 크림이나 아이스크림 등과 함께 후식으로 먹기도 한다. 나무딸기 열매로 만든 잼이나 젤리는 아주 인기가 높다. 또한 과자의 속을 채우거나 술에 넣어 향기를 내는 데 쓰기도 한다. 열매는 식용으로, 뿌리는 출혈증, 적백대하, 설사, 이질, 갈증해소 등의 약재로 사용한다.
본 콘텐츠의 저작권은 저자 또는 제공처에 있으며, 이를 무단으로 이용하는 경우 저작권법에 따라 법적 책임을 질 수 있습니다.
This article is about the various species of raspberry in the plant genusRubus. For the widely cultivated European red raspberry, seeRubus idaeus. For the eastern North American black raspberry, seeRubus occidentalis. For other uses, seeRaspberry (disambiguation).
Red-fruited raspberriesEuropeanRubus idaeusraspberry fruits on the plant
World production of raspberries in 2022 was 947,852tonnes, led byRussiawith 22% of the total. Raspberries are cultivated across northern Europe and North America and are eaten in various ways, including as whole fruit and inpreserves, cakes, ice cream, andliqueurs.[3]Raspberries are a rich source ofvitamin C,manganese, anddietary fiber.
A raspberry is anaggregate fruit, developing from the numerous distinct carpels of a single flower.[4]What distinguishes the raspberry from itsblackberryrelatives is whether or not the torus (receptacleor stem) "picks with" (i.e., stays with) thefruit. When picking a blackberry fruit, the torus stays with the fruit. With a raspberry, the torus remains on the plant, leaving a hollow core in the raspberry fruit.[5]
Raspberries are grown for the fresh fruit market and for commercial processing into individually quick frozen (IQF) fruit,purée, juice, ordried fruitused in a variety of grocery products such asraspberry pie. Raspberries need ample sun and water for optimal development. Raspberries thrive in well-drained soil with a pH between 6 and 7 with ample organic matter to assist in retaining water.[6]While moisture is essential, wet and heavy soils or excessirrigationcan bring onPhytophthoraroot rot, which is one of the most serious pest problems facing the red raspberry. As a cultivated plant in moist, temperate regions, it is easy to grow and tends to spread unless pruned. Escaped raspberries frequently appear as garden weeds, spread by seeds found in bird droppings.[citation needed]
An individual raspberry weighs 3–5 g (0.11–0.18 oz) and is made up of around 100drupelets,[7]each of which consists of a juicy pulp and a single central seed. A raspberry bush can yield several hundred berries a year.
Halved raspberry, torus does not remain when the fruit is picked
Halved blackberry, torus remains when the fruit is picked
Raspberry derives its name fromraspise, "a sweet rose-colored wine" (mid-15th century), from theAnglo-Latinvinum raspeys, or fromraspoie, meaning "thicket", of Germanic origin.[8]The name may have been influenced by its appearance as having a rough surface, related to the Old Englishraspor "rough berry".[8]
Various kinds of raspberries can be cultivated fromhardiness zones3 to 9.[9]Raspberries are traditionally planted in the winter as dormant canes, although planting of tender, plug plants produced by tissue culture has become much more common. A specialized production system called "long cane production" involves growing canes for a year in a northern climate such asScotlandorOregonorWashington, where the chilling requirement for proper bud break is attained, or attained earlier than the ultimate place of planting. These canes are then dug, roots and all, to be replanted in warmer climates such as Spain, where they quickly flower and produce a very early season crop. Plants are typically planted 2–6 per m in fertile, well drained soil; raspberries are usually planted in raised beds/ridges, if there is any question about root rot problems.[citation needed]
All cultivars of raspberries have perennial roots, but many do not have perennial shoots. In fact, most raspberries have shoots that arebiennial(meaning shoots grow in the first growing season and fruits grow on those shoots during the second growing season).[10]The flowers can be a majornectar sourceforhoneybeesand other pollinators.[citation needed]
Raspberries are vigorous and can be locally invasive. They propagate usingbasal shoots(also known as suckers), extended underground shoots that develop roots and individual plants. They can sucker new canes some distance from the main plant. For this reason, raspberries spread well, and can take over gardens if left unchecked. Raspberries are often propagated using cuttings, and will root readily in moist soil conditions.
The fruit is harvested when it comes off the receptacle easily and has turned a deep color (red, black, purple, or golden yellow, depending on the species and cultivar). This is when the fruits are ripest and sweetest.
High tunnel bramble production offers the opportunity to bridge gaps in availability during late fall and late spring. Furthermore, high tunnels allow less hardy floricane-fruiting raspberries to overwinter in climates where they would not otherwise survive. In the tunnel plants are established at close spacing usually prior to tunnel construction.[11]
Raspberries are an important commercial fruit crop, widely grown in all temperate regions of the world. Many of the most important modern commercial red raspberrycultivarsderive fromhybridsbetweenR. idaeusandR. strigosus.[9]Some botanists consider the Eurasian and American red raspberries to belong to a single, circumboreal species,Rubus idaeus, with the European plants then classified as eitherR. idaeussubsp.idaeusorR. idaeusvar.idaeus, and the native North American red raspberries classified as eitherR. idaeussubsp.strigosus, orR. idaeusvar.strigosus. Recent breeding has resulted incultivarsthat are thornless and more strongly upright, not needing staking.[citation needed]
The black raspberry,Rubus occidentalis, is also cultivated, providing both fresh and frozen fruit, as well as jams, preserves, and other products, all with that species' distinctive flavor.
Purple raspberries have been produced by horticultural hybridization of red and black raspberries, and have also been found in the wild in a few places (for example, inVermont) where the American red and the black raspberries both grow naturally. Commercial production of purple-fruited raspberries is rare.
Fruits from such plants are called golden raspberries or yellow raspberries; despite their similar appearance, they retain the distinctive flavor of their respective species (red or black). Most pale-fruited raspberries commercially sold in the eastern United States are derivatives of red raspberries. Yellow-fruited variants of the black raspberry are sometimes grown in home gardens.
Red raspberries have also been crossed with various species in other subgenera of the genusRubus, resulting in a number ofhybrids, the first of which was theloganberry. Later notable hybrids include theolallieberry,boysenberry,marionberry, andtayberry; all are multi-generational hybrids. Hybridization between the familiar cultivated red raspberries and a few Asiatic species ofRubushas also been achieved.
Two types of raspberry are available for commercial and domestic cultivation; the summer-bearing type produces an abundance of fruit on second-year canes (floricanes) within a relatively short period in midsummer, and double or "everbearing" plants, which also bear some fruit on first-year canes (primocanes) in the late summer and fall, as well as the summer crop on second-year canes. Those marked (AGM) have gained theRoyal Horticultural Society'sAward of Garden Merit.
Raspberries, among other plants with high sugar content like peaches, are prime targets for theJapanese beetle, which relies heavily on these sources as its main food resource. The voracious feeding habits of Japanese beetles not only pose a direct threat to raspberry plants but also increase the risk of transmitting various plant diseases. This dual impact can significantly undermine agricultural productivity, making it crucial for raspberry growers to implement effective pest management strategies to mitigate the damage caused by Japanese beetle infestations.[14][15]
Botrytis cinerea, or gray mold, is a common fungal infection of raspberries and other soft fruit under wet conditions. It is seen as a gray mold growing on the raspberries, and particularly affects fruit which are bruised, as it provides an easy entrance point for the spores.
Raspberry plants should not be planted where potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, or bulbs have previously been grown, without prior fumigation of the soil. These crops are hosts for the diseaseVerticilliumwilt, a fungus that can stay in the soil for many years and can infest the raspberry crop.
In 2022, world production of raspberries was 947,852tonnes, led byRussiawith 22% of the world total (table). Other major producers wereMexico,Serbia,Poland, and theUnited States.
Raw raspberries are 86% water, 12%carbohydrates, and have about 1% each ofproteinandfat(table). In a 100 gram amount, raspberries supply 53kilocaloriesand 6.5 grams ofdietary fiber. Raspberries are a rich source (20% or more of theDaily Value, DV) ofvitamin C(32% DV),manganese(32% DV) and dietary fiber (26% DV), but otherwise have low content ofmicronutrients(table). Raspberries are a low-glycemic indexfood, with total sugar content of only 4% and nostarch.[33]
Theaggregate fruitstructure contributes to raspberry's nutritional value, as it increases the proportion ofdietary fiber, which is among the highest known inwhole foods, up to 6% fiber per total weight.[33]
Raspberry leaves can be used fresh or dried inherbal teas, providing an astringent flavor. Inherbalandtraditional medicine, raspberry leaves are used for some remedies, although there is no scientifically valid evidence to support their medicinal use.[38]
^"Angiosperm - Petals, Stamens, Sepals".Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved6 December2023.consist of several separate carpels of one apocarpous gynoecium (e.g., raspberries where each unit is a single carpel
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^Jump up to:abCarvalho E, Franceschi P, Feller A, Palmieri L, Wehrens R, Martens S (2013). "A targeted metabolomics approach to understand differences in flavonoid biosynthesis in red and yellow raspberries".Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.72: 79–86.doi:10.1016/j.plaphy.2013.04.001.PMID23622736.
^Mazur SP, Nes A, Wold AB, Remberg SF, Aaby K (2014). "Quality and chemical composition of ten red raspberry (Rubus idaeusL.) genotypes during three harvest seasons".Food Chemistry.160: 233–40.doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.02.174.PMID24799233.
^Carvalho, Elisabete; Fraser, P.D.; Martens, S. (2013). "Carotenoids and tocopherols in yellow and red raspberries".Food Chemistry.139(1–4): 744–752.doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.12.047.PMID23561169.
^Holst, Lone; Haavik, Svein; Nordeng, Hedvig (13 June 2009). "Raspberry leaf – Should it be recommended to pregnant women?".Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice.15(4): 204–8.doi:10.1016/j.ctcp.2009.05.003.hdl:1956/3702.PMID19880082.