Water found in the plateau of Cariadeghe: incredible discovery of speleologists

2023. 4. 11. 13:05■ 국제/Geography

Water found in the plateau of Cariadeghe: incredible discovery of speleologists (msn.com)


Water found in the plateau of Cariadeghe: incredible discovery of speleologists

Water is becoming a growing problem for our world. Its scarcity and the droughts caused by climate change make it necessary to find new accessible water sources even for communities living in isolated and hard-to-reach places such as mountains and plateaus


Water found in the plateau of Cariadeghe: incredible discovery of speleologists


Story by urban-life.it  12h ago

7 of 11 Photos in Gallery However, mapping the entire area will take years of work and, once the reservoirs are found, we will have to figure out how to extract the water from underground and get it to where it is needed.
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7 of 11 Photos in Gallery©ANSAfoto

Water found in the plateau of Cariadeghe (Italy): incredible discovery of speleologists

However, mapping the entire area will take years of work and, once the reservoirs are found, we will have to figure out how to extract the water from underground and get it to where it is needed.