The most terrifying places in the world

2023. 3. 5. 08:46■ 국제/Geography


The most terrifying places in the world (


The most terrifying places in the world

Travelling and visiting new places all over the world is always interesting, and there are many who can't live without it. But, when it comes to choosing the best location, there as some places in the world with some amazing history. Sometimes its the dest

The most terrifying places in the world

Story by Stars Insider  Yesterday 8:15 a.m.
5 of 29 Photos in Gallery Since the 14th century people have been leaving crosses on this hill. There are now more than 100 thousand crosses here. Curious? Read more here.You may also like: Famous people who've served their country
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5 of 29 Photos in Gallery©Shutterstock

The Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

Since the 14th century people have been leaving crosses on this hill. There are now more than 100 thousand crosses here. Curious? Read more here.

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