Man-made marvels: The world's largest artificial islands
2023. 2. 4. 17:47ㆍ■ 국제/글로벌 통신
Man-made marvels: The world's largest artificial islands (
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Man-made marvels: The world's largest artificial islands
Story by Stars Insider • 3h ago

13 of 31 Photos in Gallery One of the famed palm islands in Dubai, this 6.5-sq-km (2.5-sq-mile) archipelago resembles a palm tree within a circle. Palm Jumeirah was built in the early 21st century, with only sand and stones and no artificial building material like steel or concrete.You may also like: Decoding the symbolism of Freemasonry
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13 of 31 Photos in Gallery©Shutterstock
Palm Jumeirah, UAE
One of the famed palm islands in Dubai, this 6.5-sq-km (2.5-sq-mile) archipelago resembles a palm tree within a circle. Palm Jumeirah was built in the early 21st century, with only sand and stones and no artificial building material like steel or concrete.
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