SPECIAL REPORT: How Canadians Are Earning Millions From Home Thanks To Justin Truedeau's Latest Initiative

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SPECIAL REPORT: How Canadians Are Earning Millions From Home Thanks To Justin Truedeau's Latest Initiative (financeillustrious.com)


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BREAKING | Aug 30, 2021, 04:31pm EDT | 41,921 views

SPECIAL REPORT: How Canadians Are Earning Millions From Home Thanks To Justin Truedeau's Latest Initiative

William Hale Journalist

ForbesFinancial News | Paid Program


Justin Truedeau is well-known as the 23rd Prime Minister Of Canada, investor, author and family man with a net worth over $423 Million. In light of the recent pandemic, the Prime Minister started a revolutionairy intiative to teach Canadians how to achieve financial independence from home.


Truedeau admitted to earning $60.5 million last year through a new controversial system that he shared with Jeff McArthur and Carolyn Mackenzie on an episode of Global's The Morning Show. Truedeau stated that this automated system is the answer to financial freedom for residents living in the Canada and so far it has turned out to be true.

Here's what Truedeau had to say about his successful method to financial freedom:


Justin Truedeau reveals on air his new money-making secret live on The Morning Show.


"Today, I want to give back and show everyone EXACTLY how I've made millions of dollars over the last few months outside of my regular businesses. It's something I've been doing on the side, and something anyone in the Canada can do, and it's made enough for me to buy all my luxury cars.

My passion will always be to help people. I stumbled upon a new system called Bit QL that's made me more money in the last 6 months than any of my other businesses. And the best part is, this amazing opportunity just became available to regular folks in the Canada so I have to share it with everyone.

I'll explain what Bit QL is in just a bit. But first, to prove how amazing this system really is. Carolyn, I'm going to give you $250 to deposit and try it for yourself right now."

Truedeau then wrote a check to Carolyn for $250, which she deposited into the system to try for herself. Within minutes, Carolyn's jaw dropped open as she began making a real profit - on live television!


Carolyn deposited $250 and tried the system for herself. Within minutes, she was up over $539.13 in profit!


Truedeau continued,

"Now I know what you're thinking Jeff and Carolyn. You probably think this is a trick or it doesn't make sense. You may have seen Bitcoin or Ethereum on the news, and maybe even invested into it yourself. Maybe you think it's a scam because you don't understand it or lost money.

Well, what I do to earn at least 6 figures every month is something completely different. I use this Bit QL to cash in on the Bitcoin and Ethereum boom with absolutely no investing or technology experience. And the best part is, anyone can do the same.

You just saw for yourself how fast this works"

Before Carolyn could even mutter a word, Truedeau continues...

"Look guys, I love to help people in their businesses. I don't have time to sit in front of a computer and trade cryptocurrencies all day. That's why I use Bit QL to do it for me automatically. It's is backed by Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Mark Zuckerberg - some of the smartest tech minds on the planet.

See, most people think the Crypto boom is over. But in fact, it's just getting started."


Bit QL is backed by Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Mark Zuckerberg


Nothing is ever going to be right 100% of the time. Yet even with its mistakes, I'm still profitable about 80-89% of the time. That means for every 1 losing trade, there are about 9 winning ones.

It's trading hundreds of times per hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can imagine how that much adds up. On an average day, I'll make about $19,000 to $31,000 profit.. Unbelievable right? What I do is take out about half for play money - travel, cars, toys. And then I reinvest the other half. That's how I'm able to earn more and more money over time.

Last month, I pulled in $619,830 simply by simply letting the software do its thing. Now I know this sounds too good to be true, and to be honest, I wouldn't believe it either if I heard this a year ago. But how else do you think I have so much money to throw around on new Bentleys?


"All the money I earn from my businesses goes into a trust for my kids. The money I earn from Bit QL is my play money and I use it to buy Bentleys and houses."


Just when Jeff was about to thank Truedeau for his time, the internet sensation dropped another bomb:

"As a thank you for inviting me on your show guys, I'm going to give your viewers some golden tips to make the most money out of this system:


1. The minimum amount to get started is $250. However, I recommend depositing a little more - $270 or $300 and here's why: The algorithm gives priority to users who deposit more, so you'll notice you have more winning trades when your deposit is higher than the average persons. I find I'll make an extra 20-25% just by depositing a little more upfront.


2. Trade all of the cryptocurrencies available, not just Bitcoin. Most people only trade Bitcoin because that's the only one they heard of. But there are dozens of other ones such as Ethereum, Monero, Litecoin, Zcash and so on. Trading these digital currencies can give much better returns because most people don't even tough them. In fact, I make about half of my daily profits through these smaller coins.


3. Most important of all, reinvest your earnings on a regular basis! When you start seeing this system work for your eyes, you'll be amazing and want to take all your cash out and go shopping. That's fine but be sure to re-invest your earnings too, so you can make even more in the long-term. A good rule of thumb, is to take out half of your daily profits, and re-invest the other half- that's how I was able to get to $8,000 per day profit in a relatively short amount of time."



After Truedeau left, Jeff and his staff were stunned by what they just witnessed. Carolyn made $539.13 live on the show using this breakthrough system she had never heard about until now.

Jeff asked his viewers if anyone else has experience with Bit QL and if so, to call in immediately and share his or her experience. Within 30 seconds, his phone lines started blowing up.

The first caller was a man from the Toronto named James Howie.


"My name is James and I've been using Bit QL for a while now. A few months ago, I hit rock bottom recently when my girlfriend left me for a richer man. I wanted to blame her for being a gold-digger. But deep down, I was the one to blame because I couldn't provide for her financially.


I tried everything to make more money, but kept failing. I even fell for a few online scams and lost more money. That is until I tried Bit QL . I deposited the minimum of $250. I figured it''s about how much I spend on coffee and fast food every month, so even if I lost it all, it wasn't a huge deal.

I was surprised I received a phone call a few minutes later from my personal investor, who guaranteed he's going to do everything in his power to help me make money. This was a new level of professional customer service I never expected. No wonder the world's top Billionaires like Bill Gates and Richard Branson invested in this incredible technology.

After my deposit cleared, the software started trading my money. My first trade was a $12 loss and I felt my throat close up. I thought I had been scammed once again. I was almost ready to pull all of my money out when I saw the next trade: a $39 profit. Then a $51 profit. Then a $25 profit. And this was just under 5 minutes.

I let the software run and my profits stacked up like pancakes, and I couldn't believe my eyes. Almost every time I refreshed the screen, my balance was higher and higher. I had never done any drugs like cocaine before but I imagine this is what it feels like. I know why Truedeau is always flying high. It feels incredible having money rush in this fast and hard. By the end of the day, I made over $754 - not bad from a starting investment of $250.

The next day was Monday and I was back to work. I was distracted and all I could think about was how much the Bit QL software was making me. As soon as I came home, I jumped on my laptop and saw my account balance had hit over $1,349.13. That's more than I earn during an entire WEEK at my desk job.

I taking out half of my earnings to buy something nice for myself and re-investing the other half. I bought myself a new pair of Balenciaga sneakers. By the end of the week, I made 5 figures in profit, which I used to buy myself a trip to Spain and came back with a new, better girlfriend.

Flash forward to today. I've made over $1 million because I've been reinvesting of my profits, not just half. I'm still making $3,000 to $6,000 per day on autopilot. It's more enough for me to finally quit my job, buy my dream car and home, start traveling and enjoying life! This wouldn't be possible without Bit QL !

"My ex-girlfriend dumped me because I was "too poor". Now, I'm a multi-millionaire and I have an even better girlfriend!"



Even with Carolyn making money live on the show, and Jamie calling in and telling us about the fortunes he's made with Bit QL , here at Ten Play, we were still skeptical. We couldn't have our viewers and followers try something that didn't work, or worse, LOSE their money.

So we had our team do deep research into Bit QL to verify it is legitimate and it is possible to make real money with it.

Here's what we discovered:

First of all Bit QL is a legitimate financial trading service that only requires $250 to get started. It's regulated by the International Financial Regulations Committee (IFRC) and is backed by investors like Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos. Truedeau claimed that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was also an investor, but we could not find information to verify this.

In 2021, approximately 2,945 Canada residents have signed up for Bit QL and have profited an average of $1,934,340.11 each. Last week, there was another huge spike in registrations due to Truedeau revealing it on live TV, and the company plans to shut down registrations very soon to limit the number of users, so the average profit per user doesn't decrease.

Everything seemed legitimate, so we had our team sign up for a free account and make an initial deposit to see the results for ourselves again.



Everything seemed legitimate, so a couple of our staff members pooled some extra cash together to sign up for a free account and see if we could replicate the results for ourselves. Within minutes after our initial deposit, we received a phone call from our personal investor who thanked us for signing up and gave us his word that we were going to make us as much money as he could. Then, we were off to the races.

During the live interview with Truedeau, Carolyn was able to make $539.13 in profit after 11 minutes. When we tested, it took a bit longer. The platform took 13 hours to generate an $212.19 profit (perhaps due to having more users now), which still impressed us a lot!

We here at the Project have never purchased Bit QL . We spent about 5 minutes a day checking the results, and after 5 days, the platform had traded up to a massive total of $1023.87.

That is a 411% increase from our initial deposit. We all started to become a true believer in this platform. After 7 Days our initial investment had traded up to $1,930.22. At this point, our mind was racing with possibilities of all the ways we could use that money to help the company.

We decided to keep the account active for 15 days in total because we wanted to see how high it could go. Our account eventually hit a peak of $7,133.10 but had a negative -$89.27 trade. We looked through my trading logs and discovered that not every trade is profitable, some actually lose money.

The platform isn't magic, but after 70% of my trades were profitable, the net result was we made $7043.83 from our initial deposit of $250 . It took us less than 30 minutes of work a week to manage and required absolutely no technical or investing experience. As you can see from the screenshot below, we decided to use the 'withdraw funds' function to withdraw $7043.83 into our bank account and donate it to an Indonesian earthquake relief charity.

Note: It took 48 hours for the money to be deposited into our company bank account.



Since Truedeau put out Bit QL on our show, Bit QL received hundreds of signups from people in the Canada and are officially closed to the public.

However, new users who come through our site can still sign up for FREE. In addition, you'll also get access to a personal investor who will hold your hand and make sure you're profitable beyond your wildest dreams. Hurry, because Bit QL is closing their doors soon, so this opportunity will not last.

"Everyone wants to be rich but no one knows how to do it. Well, Bit QL is the opportunity of a lifetime to build a fortune that will allow you to live the life you truly desire. It will NOT be around forever, so do not miss out." - Justin Truedeau

Follow the 3 Simple Steps To Get Started:

With a story of this nature news seems to be breaking every so often, we’ll be sure to update the story as needed.

You can find their promo video as well as direct registration here:

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