2022. 8. 13. 02:42ㆍ■ 법률 사회/갑질 인권
10 Common Phrases You Didn’t Know Were Racist (msn.com)
10 Common Phrases You Didn’t Know Were Racist
We know words matter and have the power to influence, oppress and harm. Some words and phrases have slipped so seamlessly into our English lexicon that we have lost touch with their problematic and racist origins. So much so, we have to actively deprogram
10 Common Phrases You Didn’t Know Were Racist
당신이 몰랐던 인종차별적 표현 10가지
Dragana Kovacevic - Yesterday 6:00 a.m.

We know words matter and have the power to influence, oppress and harm. Some words and phrases have slipped so seamlessly into our English lexicon that we have lost touch with their problematic and racist origins. So much so, we have to actively deprogram our use of them. Here are 10 common words and phrases that have no place in our vocabulary — and what to work on saying instead.

“Peanut gallery”
“땅콩 갤러리”
What to say instead:
Critic, commentator

“Grandfathered in”
What to say instead:
Legacied in, exempted, excused

What to say instead:
Arrogant, self-important, conceited, pretentious

“Mumbo jumbo”
“뭄보 점보”
What to say instead:
It’s incoherent, hard to understand

“Gyp / gypped”
What to say instead:
Swindled, cheated

“Paddy wagons”
“패디 마차”
What to say instead:
Police patrol

“Sold down the river”
“강을 팔았다”
What to say instead:
Betrayed, thrown under the bus, cheated or having someone turn their back on you

"에스키모 사람"
What to say instead:

“Hip hip hooray”
“힙 힙 만세”
What to say instead:
Yey! Hooray! Wooo!

“Long time, no see”
What to say instead:
It’s been so long! Haven’t seen you in forever!The post 10 Common Phrases You Didn’t Know Were Racist appeared first on Slice.
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