2022. 8. 11. 08:19ㆍ■ 여행/외국 여행지 소개
20 of the most dangerous beaches in the world (msn.com)
20 of the most dangerous beaches in the world
A trip to the beach—what could be more fun and relaxing? Just make sure to choose your beach wisely. Sharks, currents, rogue waves, and jellyfish are just a few of the threats lurking at the world’s most dangerous beaches.

20 of the most dangerous beaches in the world

20 of the most dangerous beaches in the world
A trip to the beach—what could be more fun and relaxing? Just make sure to choose your beach wisely. Sharks, currents, rogue waves, and jellyfish are just a few of the threats lurking at the world’s most dangerous beaches.

Reunion Island (France) - Sharks
This tropical island off the east coast of Madagascar was a popular tourist destination, especially for surfing, but a sharp rise in shark attacks (at least 20 since 2011) has resulted in eight deaths, most recently taking the life of a surfer in February 2017.
Tourism has declined dramatically, and the cause of the attacks is still being debated.

Fraser Island (Australia) – Sharks and more
Just off the coast of Queensland, this island is an ecotourism destination with more than its share of potential dangers.
Rough waves and currents, plentiful sharks, and venomous jellyfish make swimming hazardous, while on land the danger comes from dingoes (a type of wild dog), which may attack humans unprovoked.

Gansbaai (South Africa) - Sharks
This beach south of Cape Town is the closest one to Shark Alley, a narrow channel between two offshore islands that’s home to a huge number of great white sharks.
The massive colony of Cape fur seals living on Dyer Island attracts the predators as well as many cage-diving, thrill-seeking tourists.
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