Rare And Magnificent Pictures Of The Wild World We Call Home

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Rare And Magnificent Pictures Of The Wild World We Call Home - Explored Planet


Rare And Magnificent Pictures Of The Wild World We Call Home

These lesser-noticed parts of life are worth watching out for.


Rare And Magnificent Pictures Of The Wild World We Call Home


The chaos of everyday life makes it easy for people to become consumed with their jobs, families, partners, hobbies, and whatever else. Leaning into the things that we are good at or comfortable with helps us get through the day.

Unfortunately, falling into boring routines of habit and comfort often makes it easier to forget to try new things, seek out unique experiences, and view the world with an open mind. Below is a collection of rare, interesting pictures that help reveal the lesser-noticed parts of life that are worth watching out for.


This Sunbird Cooling Off In A Tiny Flower Petal Bathtub

Wildlife photographer Rahul Singh wakes up at dawn to capture magnificent images of native bird species across the world. This image of a female crimson sunbird was captured in India where the heat in autumn can be exceptionally humid and stifling.

Photo Credit: @rahulsinghclicks / Instagram

The caption reads: “In the morning, dewdrops are found on the edge of the grass, flower petals, and sometimes water is stored in the flower petals.” This beautiful small bird was “refreshing herself with the water stored in the petal of an ornamental banana flower,” relaxing in nature’s tiniest floral bathtub.



A Windshield Chip That Looks Like A Bird In Flight

Usually, a chipped windshield is nothing to celebrate, or even glance twice at before calling your mechanic.

Photo Credit: Imgur

This driver noticed how the stone that hit their windshield left a fabulous-looking bird in the fragmented glass. It’s almost worth keeping there because it’s so cute!



The Man And The Moon

This amazing image was captured from the perfect perspective to make it appear as though the man in the photo is holding the moon.

Photo Credit: Pazluz / Reddit

Not only that, he seems to be stealing it in the back of his car.



This Rock Climber Who Went For A Fall

Rock climbers thrive on adrenaline but this perfectly timed photo captured a scary moment for this climber who was mid-fall.

Photo Credit: shatteredankle / Reddit

The picture captured the moment just before his slack rope would catch him and send him bouncing into the wall. The man needs a helmet and it’s also clear why his user name is shatteredankle.



A Plane Trapped In The Water Droplets

A woman captured this amazing shot of an airplane departing overhead on a rainy day.

Photo Credit: @st3phan3 / Instagram

The rain collected on the glass window show multiple miniature versions of the plane reflected in the water droplets, it looks like the mini planes are headed in the wrong direction.



The Brocken Mountain Spectre Phenomenon

The “Brocken Spectre” is a rare optic happening that occurs when a person is standing with the sun on their back at a higher altitude in the mountains.

Photo Credit: utkrixx / Reddit

The light casts the person’s shadow on a cloud at a lower altitude making it look like a giant human lurks in the fog. 


An Up-Close Look At A Flying Fish Out Of Water

Flying fish have been known to accidentally launch themselves into boats and fishing barges while they are sailing.

Photo Credit: made_in_GEORGIA / Reddit

It’s no wonder the fish can manage such great leaps with fins that are almost exact replicas of certain bird wings.



A Sea Creature Making Its Way Back Home

At first glance, this photo looks like a gigantic centipede has stormed the beach and is headed for the water in a weird sci-fi movie.

Photo Credit: capitamenstrual / Reddit

In reality, a large sea turtle heads back home after burying her eggs on the beach, but this aerial drone shot adds some serious perspective to her journey.



“Dead Man’s Fingers” Reaching Out From The Forest Floor

This fungus could startle someone into thinking they discovered a dead body in the woods—yikes.

Photo Credit: DrFetusRN / Reddit

Despite its eerie looks, the fungus is a naturally occurring growth that forms at the bottom of trees. It is not generally considered an edible fungus—which makes you wonder how many people tried frying those fingers up.



These Aesthetically Pleasing Wheat And Lavender Fields

The farmer who planted these wheat and lavender fields had a thing for precise lines.

Photo Credit: sivribiber / Reddit

The crops run perfectly side by side without any cross growth between the two and somehow it’s so visually appealing.



Macro Mushrooms Are Beautiful

So this is what a toad sees when hopping across the forest floor.

Photo Credit: ivan_lesica / Reddit

Believe it or not, this amazing macro shot of some mushrooms was taken at a local farmer’s market vegetable stand. You’re looking at someone’s future dinner.



This “Glowing” Tree Trunk In A Forest

Someone who really appreciates the beauty of nature took the time to collect and arrange various colored dead leaves around the base of this tree.

Photo Credit: Noerdy / Reddit

The gradient color arrangement makes the tree appear as though it is magically glowing from the trunk. A natural edit out in the wild!



The Underside Of Giant Water Lily Pads

The giant water lily is native to South America and produces the largest lily pad in the world.

Photo Credit: SantaCl0 / Reddit

The leaves, or “pads,” can grow as large as eight to nine feet in diameter, and a fully mature pad is capable of supporting up to 100 pounds of weight.



The Giant Lily Pads Also Have A Protective Thorn Layer

A system of stems and tubes spread beneath the leaf to help the plant consume oxygen and support external weight (like frogs, turtles, and birds).

Photo Credit: mossberg91 / Reddit

This man displays the other unique feature of the giant aquatic plant: protective thorns that protect the plant from being eaten from below.


An Adorable Cat With More Toes Than Tail

Polydactyly is a condition where a person or animal is born with more than five fingers or toes on a single hand or foot, or both.

Photo Credit: Gur_Deep / Reddit

This adorable kitty somehow managed to develop a lot more toes than she needed, but her bonus toes just mean there’s more of her to love.


The “Whitney Wolverine” Futuristic .22 Caliber Pistol From The 1950s

This extremely rare .22 pistol from the 1950s is called the “Whitney Wolverine.” It was an “Atomic Age”-influenced weapon designed by a man named Robert Hillberg.

Photo Credit: BeardedGlass / Reddit

This means that it was designed with a nod to the idea of “space-age” advancement and futuristic technology. It’s lightweight, aluminum, semi-automatic, and was basically the luxury model gun at the time with only 13,000 ever being manufactured.


Horses On A Plane

We can officially stop using the phrase “when pigs fly” because as it turns out, livestock fly all the time.

Photo Credit: LightOfAntara / Reddit

These horses are standing in stalls that are arranged in a large cargo plane as it flies overseas.



The Backside Frame Of The Mona Lisa Is In Rough Shape

If you’re one of the many people who was underwhelmed by the Mona Lisa after seeing it IRL (spoiler alert: it’s surprisingly small), you’ll be even less impressed to see the back of it.

Photo Credit: rataktaktaruken / Reddit

One of the most renowned pieces of art history is sealed in a wooden frame much like one you might find in your grandparents’ basement.



Robotic Biomechanical Prosthetic Fingers

Cyberpunk junkies can obsess over these biomechanical prosthetic fingers—the glove with robotic fingers is giving off major “Blade Runner” vibes.

Photo Credit: Rewster27 / Reddit

As cool as it is, the functionality that this person living with a physical disability will receive from these biotech fingers is truly life-changing.


The World’s Third-Largest Diamond Discovered In Botswana In June 2021

A 1,098-carat diamond was unearthed in early June 2021 at the Jwaneng mine approximately 75 miles from the capital of Botswana, according to the country’s government.

Photo Credit: MONIRUL BHUIYAN/AFP via Getty Images

It is believed to be the third-largest “gem-quality” diamond that has ever been discovered.


Over 200+ Lucky Four-Leaf Clovers Saved And Pressed

One seriously lucky (and observant) Reddit user managed to collect and save over 200 four-leaf clovers, then pressed them in a notebook to preserve them.

Photo Credit: EllieBee22 / Reddit

The top comment on the Reddit post certainly goes to Liddle_Jawn who wrote: “Anyone ever tell you not to press your luck?”


Some Denmark Neighborhoods Separate Homes Using Large Circular Hedges

In some neighborhoods in Denmark, people have taken to using rounded hedges in order to enclose their properties and offer some privacy from neighbors.

Photo Credit: AmericaRUserious / Reddit

From an aerial perspective, the homes look suspended in little green bubbles, but on the ground, the round hedges stretch for hundreds of feet and require a bit of gardening upkeep.


Finnish Trees Frozen In Time And Snow At -40°F

In Finland, the winter temperatures easily drop below -40°F which results in large amounts of snow freezing to the trees.

Photo Credit: Reddit

The snow-packed trees appear like large plumes of rolling smoke erupting from a barren landscape. At first glance, it looks like a scene from a distant planet.



This Rebellious Sunflower Does Not Want To Face East

Sunflowers are known for their love of the sun, big surprise, right? They love the sun’s warmth so much that they spend the day slowly turning to stay in the heat from the rays.

Photo Credit: EnjoyOslo / Reddit

Except for this single sunflower, who decided that on this day, it would not face east.



Nature Is Resetting In Places Without Tourists

This bamboo forest is one of the natural places in the world that actually benefited from the pandemic thanks to the travel restrictions that essentially eliminated all tourist traffic.

Photo Credit: watercatte / Reddit

One young bamboo stalk grows unmarked by tourist hands, knives, and sticks. The new stalk is free of graffiti and bright green with youth.



Monkey Versus Model Village

This gibbon is pictured casually strolling through a model village at a zoo in Bakhchisaray, Crimea. The tiny town is so detailed that at first glance, it appears real and the gibbon looks giagantic.

Photo Credit: benjaneson / Reddit

The model town is already beaten up and looks like it’s been hit by some kind of apocalyptic disaster, but the monkey strolling through really completes the King Kong vibe.


Is This Real Life Or Star Wars?

Someone snapped this picture of the view outside their airplane window. The jet engine is visible over a flat expanse of cloud so evenly dispersed, it appears like a flat landscape with a clear horizon.

Photo Credit: tanzaniteflame / Reddit

On the far left is a perfect cloud replica of an AT-AT Walker from The Empire Strikes Back.


Tour de France Did A Number On This Cyclist

This man is an athlete recovering from the Tour de France. After the race, he snapped a picture of his veins pulsing under his skin.

Photo Credit: @p.poljanskiofficial / Instagram

His veins look like a network of flowing rivers and creeks. His vascular system is still in overdrive after the insane physical exertion he just finished.


The Door Is Real… The Rest Is Paint

This abandoned building was the perfect white-wall canvas for a street artist who wanted to create an optical illusion.

Photo Credit: @vile_graffiti / Instagram

The door of the building is real, but all the “holes” to the right of the door are painted on. Standing at a different angle, the viewer would see that the wall is actually a flat, solid surface.


The Milk Crate (Chalk) Challenge

The milk crate challenge has taken the internet (and emergency rooms) by storm as people try and clamber over the wobbly crates stacked together.

Photo Credit: mnhaverland / Reddit

This man came up with a safe solution to let people get in on the action without risking a broken limb. He drew a hyper-realistic chalk mural of the crates and it was totally worth the effort.



These Clouds That Haven’t Finished Loading

Someone snapped a picture of the suspicious weather forming in the clouds outside their home.

Photo Credit: HopefulSwine / Reddit

The change in temperature caused the clouds to divide in a shelf, but like the caption on the photo says, it looks more like they failed to render.



“One Man’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure…Island”

Turkish sanitary workers (aka garbage removal people) decided to do something about all of the books they were finding in the trash.

Photo Credit: asdfpartyy / Reddit

They opened up a beautiful library to repurpose the garbaged books, keeping the knowledge and literature alive for future generations to learn from.



Windmill Blades Travel By Truck

Windmill propellers have to get where they’re going somehow. Admittedly, I thought they were assembled on-site, but this image reveals that sometimes the insanely huge propellors are trucked in on a cargo hauler.

Photo Credit: clippervictor / Reddit

Next, the techs use a crane to raise up the new blade and secure it into place.



This Is Not A Scene From “Stranger Things”

This massive lightning formation reaches across a night sky, eerily looking like a portal to another dimension.

Photo Credit: MattCloudy / Reddit

The orange and purple glow from the electricity in the clouds looks similar to the storms conjured up in the cursed town of Hawkins from the Netflix sci-fi favorite Stranger Things.



The Underside Of A Modern Warship

Seeing the underside of a warship without the water weirdly feels like looking up a boat’s skirt.

Photo Credit: Maine_Fluff_Chucker / Reddit

This may help answer some people’s questions about how these goliath boats actually float, but it also raises a few more questions.



The Cat Boss Of Model Village Town

This cat also made its way into a model village, but instead of doing some old-fashioned terrorizing, it decided to have a little snooze on the grounds.

Photo Credit: haIf_sour / Reddit

The miniature model pedestrians make the cat look like a gigantic sleeping beast next to the tiny people and cars.



This Seasonal Optical Illusion

This photo was captured from the perfect angle, at the perfect time of year.

Photo Credit: Gulo_gulo_ / Reddit

Even though it appears to be four separate photos of changing seasons, it is actually one single photo of two separate buildings and the changing leaves in the background.



The Dialysis Difference

It’s crazy how cool the difference that dialysis makes on the human body.

Photo Credit: thegngirl / Reddit

Just look at the color difference between the blood going in and out.



The Illusion Of The Flying Dutchman’s Ship

It would be easy to convince someone that this photo is stone-cold proof of the Flying Dutchman’s haunted ship sailing the clouds above ocean towns.

Photo Credit: Imgur

Unfortunately, it’s not that cool in real life. It’s just the tip of a Sutro Tower peeking out of the notorious fog in San Francisco.



Wisconsin In The Spring

What’s better than living in a place with four whole seasons?

Photo Credit: spudtree / Instagram

This couple highlighted just how drastically different the temperature change can be when it starts happening and they snapped a photo to prove it.