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2020. 12. 12. 13:03■ 菩提樹/나의 이야기

short-eared owl

The short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) is a widespread grassland species in the (family Strigidae). Owls belonging to genus Asio are known as the eared owls, as they have tufts of feathers resembling mammalian ears. These "ear" tufts may or may not be visible. Asio flammeus will display its tufts when in a defensive pose, although its very short tufts are usually not visible. The short-eared owl is found in open country and grasslands.[2]


Short-eared owl - Wikipedia

The short-eared owl (Asio flammeus) is a widespread grassland species in the (family Strigidae). Owls belonging to genus Asio are known as the eared owls, as they have tufts of feathers resembling mammalian ears. These "ear" tufts may or may not be visible



The short-eared owl is a medium-sized owl measuring 34–43 cm (13–17 in) in length and weighing 206–475 g (7.3–16.8 oz).[3] It has large eyes, a big head, a short neck, and broad wings. Its bill is short, strong, hooked and black. Its plumage is mottled tawny to brown with a barred tail and wings. The upper breast is significantly streaked.[4] Its flight is characteristically floppy due to its irregular wingbeats. The short-eared owl may also be described as "moth or bat-like" in flight.[5] Wingspans range from 85 to 110 cm (33 to 43 in).[6] Females are slightly larger than males. The yellow-orange eyes of A. flammeus are exaggerated by black rings encircling each eye, giving the appearance of them wearing mascara, and large, whitish disks of plumage surrounding the eyes like a mask.

Separation from the long-eared owl[edit]

Through much of its range, short-eared owls occurs with the similar-looking long-eared owl. At rest, the ear-tufts of the long-eared owl serve to easily distinguish the two (although long-eared owls can sometimes hold their ear-tufts flat). The iris-colour differs: yellow in the short-eared, and orange in the long-eared, and the black surrounding the eyes is vertical on the long-eared, and horizontal on the short-eared. Overall the short-eared tends to be a paler, sandier bird than the long-eared. There are a number of other ways in which the two species the differ which are best seen when they are flying: a) the short-eared often has a broad white band along the rear edge of the wing, which is not shown by the long-eared; b) on the upperwing, short-eared owls' primary-patches are usually paler and more obvious; c) the band on the upper side of the short-eared owl's tail are usually bolder than those of the long-eared; d) the short-eared's innermost secondaries are often dark-marked, contrasting with the rest of the underwing; e) the long-eared owl has streaking throughout its underparts, whereas on the short-eared the streaking ends at the breast; f) the dark markings on the underside of the tips of the longest primaries are bolder on the short-eared owl; g) the upper parts are coarsely blotched, whereas on the long-eared they are more finely marked. The short-eared owl also differs structurally from the long-eared, having longer, slimmer wings: the long-eared owl has wings shaped more like those of a tawny owl.[7] The long-eared owl generally has different habitat preferences from the short-eared, most often being found concealed in areas with dense wooded thickets. The short-eared owl is often most regularly seen flying about in early morning or late day as it hunts over open habitats.

쇠부엉이(Asio flammeus)는 올빼미과의 새이다.

몸길이는 약 38cm로 몸 전체가 황갈색이며 검은색 또는 암갈색의 세로줄 무늬가 있다. 이마에는 작은 귀깃이 있고, 눈은 노란색이다. 탁 트인 평지나 해안가 늪에 서식하며, 저녁부터 활동을 시작하나 다른 부엉이와 달리 낮에도 사냥을 한다. 주로 설치류를 잡아먹는다. 산란기는 4-5월로 흰색 알을 4-8개 낳는다. 유라시아대륙과 북아메리카의 한대와 온대 지역에 폭넓게 분포한다. 한국에서는 겨울에 볼 수 있으며 천연기념물 제324호로 지정하여 보호하고 있다.




  • 쇠부엉이 

    (천연기념물 제324-4호, Short-eared Owl)

    서식 아이슬란드, 영국, 스칸디나비아에서 러시아, 북아메리카 북부, 서인도제도, 남아메리카 남부, 하와이제도, 갈라파고스제도에서 번식하고, 유럽, 아프리카 동부, 인도에서 중국, 북아메리카 중부에서 월동한다. 지리적으로 11아종으로 나눈다. 국내에...

    야생조류 필드 가이드

  • 쇠부엉이 

    (Asio flammeus)

    형태 크기: 약 36~39cm 정도의 크기이다. 채색과 무늬: 암수 구별이 힘들고, 몸 전체가 엷은 갈색 또는 황갈색이다. 얼굴은 엷은 갈색이며, 눈 주변은 갈색으로 개체에 따라 차이가 심하다. 몸아랫면은 흑갈색의 세로 줄무늬가 있으며, 아랫배로 갈 수록 ...


  • 쇠부엉이 

    (short-eared owl)

    올빼미목 올빼미과에 속하는 맹금. 한국에서 겨울새로 관찰되며 천연기념물 제324호로 지정되어 보호받고 있다. | 몸길이는 40㎝ 정도로 안반이 뚜렷하다. 가장 널리 분포하는 종류 가운데는 북극에서 북쪽 온대지역에 이르는 극지 부근에 서식하는 종류도...


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20121212(1029) WED

Mundy Sung

CAMERA : SONY DSC-HX90V(똑따기 사진기)

대한민국 천년기념물 324-4호 쇠부엉이, 쇠올빼미, short-eared owl

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