■ West Vancouver, BC.

2020. 5. 18. 14:42■ 菩提樹/Borisu

West Vancouver, BC.

West Vancouver, BC.

West Vancouver is a district municipality in the province of British ColumbiaMetro Vancouver, West Vancouver is northwest of the city of Vancouver on the northern side of English Bay and the southeast shore of Howe Sound, and is adjoined by the District of North VancouverDistrict of North Vancouver and City of North Vancouver, it is part of a local regional grouping referred to as the North Shore municipalities

West Vancouver has a population of 42,694 (2011 census).[2] Cypress Provincial Park, mostly located within the municipal boundaries, was one of the venues for the 2010 Winter OlympicsPark Royal Shopping Centre,[3] and also of the Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal, one of the main connecting points between the British Columbia mainland and Vancouver Island

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진실과 진심으로 있는 대로 보고 진정과 최선을 다하여 보이는 대로 담아내면 그것이 곧 예술이자 역사가 될 것입니다

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오로지 건강하세요.

늘 고맙습니다.


20121212(1029) WED


West Vancouver, BC.

'■ 菩提樹 > Borisu' 카테고리의 다른 글

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