Saudi company draws unlimited American water as West suffers drought

2023. 4. 26. 21:05■ 여행/세계 여행 안내

Saudi company draws unlimited American water as West suffers drought (

Saudi company draws unlimited American water as West suffers drought

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2 of 21 Photos in Gallery Fondomonte Farms is owned by one of Saudi Arabia’s largest dairy companies and has been growing water-intensive alfalfa in Arizona at a time when the state supply is low. 
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2 of 21 Photos in Gallery©Provided by The Daily Digest

Drawing on low supplies

Fondomonte Farms is owned by one of Saudi Arabia’s largest dairy companies and has been growing water-intensive alfalfa in Arizona at a time when the state supply is low. 


Saudi company draws unlimited American water as West suffers drought

“Republican and Democratic lawmakers in Arizona, California, Texas, Utah, and Washington state are considering legislation that aims to protect their states’ water supplies by banning foreign companies from owning or leasing land,” the trust noted.