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A Peak at Ancient Egypt’s Most Unexpected Discoveries - page 1 of 36 - Fresh Edits


A Peak at Ancient Egypt’s Most Unexpected Discoveries - Trending

The Great Pyramids are a true wonder of the world, so you might want to get to know it a bit better.



This article was originally published on our sister site Fiveo

Built around 2550 BC, when Pharaoh Khufu was the Pharaoh of Egypt, the Great Pyramid ranks as the world’s largest and biggest cultural structure. According to scientific research that has been carried out over the years, it took 20,000 people 20 years to build the Great Pyramid.

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The feat of building a pyramid as great as this in the manner described above might seem unbelievable. However, this is because we are considering it from the perspective of a more advanced time. Building the Pyramid is very possible for ancient Egyptians, only that it will take as long as it did because they were using bricks and woods.


What Led to the Creation Of Wheels?

It has been said that the first Pyramid in Egypt was built around 4,700 years ago. This was during the era of the Third Dynasty, and humans haven’t invented the wheel system. The lack of this invention meant that they assembled these pyramids all by themselves.

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Owing to the fact that the pyramids were made with bulky stones such as granite and limestone, it was impossible to transport them from one place to another using wooden equipment and tools.


Who Constructed the Pyramids?

The closest scientific predictions of how the Pyramid was built are that ropes and ramps played a significant role in the assemblage of the structures by the Egyptians. When mathematical principles were devised, it was revealed that Ancient Egyptians would have to lay down a new block every 150 seconds to be able to build the Pyramid in 20 years.

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It has not been proved how exactly the ancient Egyptians built the enormous pyramids. Still, scientists believe that the complex task of constructing the pyramids was completed using a technology that is even more advanced than ours.

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What the Pyramids Used to Look Like?

Compared to what they are now, which is a mixture of sand covered in dust, the pyramids used to look way different and even better back in the day. They used to be shiny under the desert sun as their surface layers were covered with shiny stones and bricks.

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It is only unfortunate that in 1303 AD, an earthquake happened in Egypt that loosened the shiny stones covering the pyramids. Seeing this, the ancient Egyptians took off the shiny stones and constructed some other structures with them.


How Many Sides does the Pyramid Have?

The above question is important because the Great Pyramid is nothing like the usual Pyramid that is known to most people. A regular pyramid is a geometric structure with four sides; the Great Pyramid is slightly different. When examined critically, the Great Pyramid has eight sides, and the best way to discover this is by flying over the Pyramid with an airplane.

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Some archeologists are of the opinion that this Pyramid was built this way to stop the stones from shifting. Some others argued that the Pyramid had eight sides as a result of erosion on it. None of these claims have been established with facts, but the wind couldn’t have caused them.


Proof of Advanced Tools

Scientists have said over the years that the ancient Egyptians had more advanced tools than we do. A piece of evidence to support this claim was found in Khufu’s Sarcophagus. Khufu was the mastermind behind the construction of the Pyramid. Tools that were strong enough to drill holes into granite blocks were discovered in his sarcophagus.

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It is only logical to conclude that the stone was brought to the place before. The sarcophagus stood out from other stones inside the Pyramid because it had holes in it that must have been drilled by humans. Owing to the fact that the stone is granite, the strong stone couldn’t have been drilled by anything other than an advanced tool.


The Maze Under the Pyramid:

Information about the maze underneath the Pyramid has been made public for years; however, the questions as to how it got there and where it leads remain unanswered. The labyrinth was made with limestone, and popular archeological materials were found within it. Despite years of research, archaeologists are yet to find the end of the maze.

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Some people have argued that this is not the case, and scientists are only hiding their discoveries from the public. Whether this is true or not, all we know is that the underground maze of the Great Pyramid stretches 55 miles of south Cairo underneath Hawara.


A Secret Chamber:

Many things had been discovered in the Great pyramids, and the most recent is the secret chamber there. The discovery of this mysterious chamber was only possible with the help of super technological imaging that records fragment particles deep within the rocks. This technology is similar to X-ray imaging, but it is more advanced.

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The images from these machines were not clear and were of low quality, so scientists are not sure whether it is a single chamber or a lot of series. It is also uncertain what purpose the chamber is meant to serve and whether there are some things hidden inside it that could affect our perspective on the modern world.


On the Verge of New Discoveries:

Archeologists have theorized over the years that some type of energy might be emitting from the pyramids, although this remains unfounded by evidence. After discovering the secret chamber, scientists became somewhat convinced that the Pyramid receives electromagnetic energy from the sun.

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Things got more interesting when it was discovered that a lot more energy could be found in the chamber where the remains of Pharaoh Khufu and his wife rested.


Things that were Discovered Inside the Chambers

A precious statue was found in the chambers of the Pyramid by scientists on August 1st, 2018. This was during a restoration project, and it marked the most recent discovery made by archeologists in the pyramids. The statue was found in the Pyramid of Djoser in Saqqara, and it was the statue of Osiris, the Egyptian god of the underworld. This discovery was surprising because of where they were found.

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The Osiris is a very notable Egyptian god, and one would not expect that its statue will be found between an unknown crack of a wall. No one could answer the reason why the statue was placed there too.


Mysterious Boxes in the Tunnels

One of the archeologists involved in the Pyramid research, Brien Forrester, made one of the most startling discoveries inside the tunnels. He found 20 rock boxes built from Aswan granite. These boxes were cut with remarkable accuracy, which lends further credibility to claims that the civilization that built the pyramids were far more advanced than we knew.

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What is more interesting is that each of these boxes weighs 100 tons. Some speculate that the boxes were burial sites for prized animals and livestock, but these claims cannot be proved. Further speculation persists that the boxes contain some type of energy. But authorities have solidly debunked the claims. The purpose of these boxes are a source of mystery and remain open to speculation.


Some Chambers Generate Heat:

Is this an intentional function of their construction or just an accidental consequence of it? We are not sure; what we are certain of is that some chambers in the Great Pyramid do generate heat while others remain cool. Experts offer the opinion that this could be a result of ancient heat generator technology.

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The heating chambers were located at the top of the Pyramid. Because of this, there is speculation that the heat could result from sun rays on the chambers. We are unsure which is true as every chamber seems to contain its mystery. Perhaps the answer is in other chambers.


More Mysteries: Were the Great Pyramids Tombs or Power Plants?

Popular accounts refer to the Great Pyramids as the resting place of Egyptian Kings and Pharaohs. Recent discoveries reveal that the Pyramids might be more than the final resting place for the dead. Some conspiracy theorists assert that ancient Egypt had access to electricity, and the pyramids were giant power plants.

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The proof is found in the pyramids themselves. Some etchings show ancient Egyptians holding torches that appear to be powered by an electric source. Water flowing through the underground tunnels can also create an electric current. Additional scientific evidence reveals that the shafts in the pyramids were crafted from slightly radioactive granite; this ionizes the air and creates an environment comparable to a conductive insulating cable.


Built with Air Shafts:

While still on the subject of incredible discoveries, no one knows why the Great Pyramid is the only Pyramid that is built with airshafts. These air shafts were designed to align with the stars, which is a whole new mystery. What is more incredible is how the ancient Egyptians cut such precise shafts without advanced tools? And where did they get the knowledge to place them in alignment with the stars? More mysteries.

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In determining the reason for the shaft design, some reference ancient Egyptians’ reverence for the afterlife. They reason that the star alignment shafts have to do with sending the dead to the afterlife. More radical conspiracy theorists suppose that the shafts were used to signal aliens.


The Great Pyramid Doors

If you think you have heard it all, the entrance doors to the pyramids are estimated to weigh an incredible 20 tons, and you could push them open with one shove. Of course, the mind rebels at the thought of a human being able to open a 20-ton door with only a single push. But this is a testament to the incredible construction.

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These doors were constructed with such precise balance that it would be possible for you to open them in one shove. The doors were first discovered in the 1800s during the Great Pyramid exploration, and it took very little effort to open them. This begs the question, how did this ancient civilization create such perfectly balanced doors with no advanced technology?


What is in the Big Void?

Another intriguing discovery made in the Great Pyramid is a mysterious chamber with no apparent use. This chamber is called the big void. The chamber is called the big void because it is a large empty room, and it is not connected with any passages inside the Great Pyramid. This makes you wonder why the big void was built and why it was isolated from other chambers. Some speculate that it is to keep something in or prevent people from entering.

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Scientists believe the chamber was built as a sort of support to the Pyramid; that is, to relieve some of the weight and prevent the Grand Gallery from closing in. Tourists can access the Grand Gallery if they hunch down through a long tunnel. The big void is almost equal to the Grand Gallery and sits directly above the Grand Gallery.


Lined Up with the Stars:

Ancient Egyptians spent a lot of time studying the constellations and attempting to read the skies; we see some justification for that here. It would seem that ancient Egyptians enjoyed aligning their construction with outer space. The shafts were not the only piece of construction that were aligned with the stars; all three Pyramids of Giza were also aligned with outer space.

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The Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure pyramids perfectly aligned with the famous Orion’s Belt stars. The pyramids were aligned with Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka. What makes this discovery puzzling is that the Orion’s Belt wasn’t discovered until 2,000 years after constructing the pyramids. How did ancient Egyptians manage to accurately measure the placement of stars and build their pyramids to align with these constellations?