20+ Photos To Make You Think About Our World

2022. 9. 10. 10:14■ 사진/명작 갤러리



20+ Photos To Make You Think About Our World - Factable


20+ Photos To Make You Think About Our World

From sea creatures to CT scanners, these photos from around the world will absolutely fascinate you.



20+ Photos To Make You Think About Our World


It’s easy to get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of our own lives, but then Reddit comes along and reminds us about all the other cool, weird, and interesting things that are happening in other countries or areas of the world.

From sea creatures to CT scanners to search-and-rescue equipment, these photos from around the world will absolutely fascinate you.

How The Times Have Changed…

As you can see from those guards’ glasses, this picture is not a recent one.

Photo Credit: Henry A. Barrios / Bakersfield Californian

It was taken at the 1995 murder trial of Christopher Charles Lightsey, who had to be gagged because he was being extremely obscene, reportedly. Imagine the backlash if guards tried to do this today?


That’s Life

Every person on earth has looked like this at some point in their life, because that right there is an early human embryo.

Photo Credit: Reddit / mike_pants

It’s a self-portrait of 7.5 billion people.



How The 8th Wonder Of The World Traveled The Globe

It’s no surprise that a 7 foot 4 man needed two seats.


Photo Credit: Reddit / RollTideGaming

According to an HBO documentary that used this photo of Andre the Giant from the 1980s, he was so big that he actually couldn’t fit into the bathrooms on airplanes.


Time Is Ticking

This looks like the beginning of an action movie where someone is told they have to decipher which of these wires to cut in order to save humanity.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Luckily, we’re not in a James Bond movie, this is just a bundle of about 100 26 gauge wires that make up a telephone wire.


Brake For Breakfast

This seems like a fairly inconvenient place to stop to feed your children, but this momma has to make sure her babies are well fed.


Photo Credit: Reddit / adalab

So everyone else can wait a hot minute for her to finish.


Nature Stops At Nothing

What do you think could’ve caused two people to abandon their cars on this woodsy road?

Photo Credit: Reddit / TopdeBotton

Was there a serial killer on the loose like in an 80s horror movie or did the cars just break down?


Bumblebee, Is That You?

No this is not a transformer, and Shia Labeouf is not about to appear from behind this contraption.

Photo Credit: Reddit / Adderall

This is actually just a CT Scanner without the cover on it, but it’s pretty wicked, right?


Vacation Mode

These colorful chalets are situated in a holiday village just outside of Arkhangelsk, Russia.

Photo Credit: Reddit / spaceion

It’s easy to get caught up in our own lives and not consider the world around us, but this photo is a great reminder of lifestyles around the world.